51. Emanuel Celler to Rubin Saltzman asking for Funds, November 1947 (correspondence) Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1947-11-25 Format: Image Creator: Celler, Emanuel, 1888-1981 Recipient: Zaltsman, R. (Reʾuven) (Rubin Saltzman, Reuben Zaltzman) Organization: American Red Mogen Dovid for Palestine, Inc.
52. Program for Evenings Dedicated to the Memory of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising פּראָגראם פאר אָוונטן בעווידמעט דעם אנדענק פון אויפסתאנד אין ווארשעווער געטאָ Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Set: Culture Front Education Poland Postwar Reconstruction and Relief Warsaw GhettoIWO and JPFO Affiliated Publications and Publishing Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1947-04 Format: Image Creator: Shul un Kultur Komisiye fun Yidishn Fraternaln Folks Ordn, Aleph, Aleph, Aleph Organization: Jewish Peoples Fraternal Order of the I.W.O. (U.S.), Shul un Kultur (School and Culture) Committee
53. Louis Lipsky to the Affiliated Organizations of the American Jewish Conference about Cancelled Meeting, March 1948 (correspondence) Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Set: Camps Conferences, Conventions, Meetings Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1948-03-15 Format: Image Creator: Lipsky, Louis, 1876-1963 Recipient: Affiliated Organizations of the American Jewish Conference Organization: American Jewish Conference
54. Louis Lipsky to All Delegates of the American Jewish Conference about Transition Issues, February 1948 (correspondence) Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1948-02-13 Format: Image Creator: Lipsky, Louis, 1876-1963 Recipient: All Delegates of the American Jewish Conference Organization: American Jewish Conference
55. Louis Lipsky and Milton Handler to Presidents of Affiliated Organizations about UN General Assembly, April 1948 (correspondence) Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1948-04-02 Format: Image Creator: Lipsky, Louis, 1876-1963, ... Recipient: Presidents of Affiliated Organizations Organization: American Jewish Conference
56. Emanuel Celler and Louis Lipsky to Rubin Saltzman about Donations, June 1949 (correspondence) Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Set: Postwar Reconstruction and Relief Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1949-06-29 Format: Image Creator: Celler, Emanuel, 1888-1981; Lipsky, Louis, 1876-1963 Recipient: Zaltsman, R. (Reʾuven) (Rubin Saltzman, Reuben Zaltzman) Organization: American Red Mogen Dovid for Israel
57. Untitled Speech: On the [10th] Anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Set: Poland Postwar Reconstruction and ReliefWarsaw Ghetto Location: Warsaw, Mazowieckie, Poland New York, New York, United States Date: 1953 Format: Image Creator: Zaltsman, R. (Reʾuven) (Rubin Saltzman, Reuben Zaltzman) Creator: זאלצמאן, ר Organization: Jewish Peoples Fraternal Order of the I.W.O. (U.S.)