1. Stebbins Ave. & Westchester Ave., Bronx Collection: Introduction to Photography Collections at Cornell Set: Landscape and the Environment Date: 1978-1979 (negative) Format: Image Creator: Conzo, Joe Jr.
2. Stephen and Betsy Myers collection of citizens' resistance to the placement of a low level radioactive dump site Collection: Introduction to Photography Collections at Cornell Set: Landscape and the Environment Date: 1989-2000 Format: Image Creator: Unknown
3. Stephen and Betsy Myers collection of citizens' resistance to the placement of a low level radioactive dump site Collection: Introduction to Photography Collections at Cornell Set: Landscape and the Environment Date: 1989-2000 Format: Image Creator: Unknown
4. Stephen and Betsy Myers collection of citizens' resistance to the placement of a low level radioactive dump site Collection: Introduction to Photography Collections at Cornell Set: Landscape and the Environment Date: 1989-2000 Format: Image Creator: Unknown
5. Aerial view: Clearcutting 10-15 miles west of Mt. St. Helens, Washington Collection: Introduction to Photography Collections at Cornell Set: Landscape and the Environment Date: 1982 (negative) 1983 (print) Format: Image Creator: Gohlke, Frank
6. The Lewis Glacier, Mt. Kenya 1963 (A) from the series Stratographs Collection: Introduction to Photography Collections at Cornell Set: Landscape and the Environment Date: 2015 Format: Image Creator: Norfolk, Simon