1. Amazon of Sciarra, Lansdowne, and Berlin type Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Warehouse Rome, Italy (discovery site, 1868) (original) Date: ca. 1890-1900 1st or 2nd c. CE (Roman copy) ca. 440-430 BCE (Greek original)2009 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown (Roman copy), ... Photographer: Alexandridis, Annetta
2. Amazon of Sciarra, Lansdowne, and Berlin type Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Warehouse Rome, Italy (discovery site, 1868) (original) Date: ca. 1890-1900 1st or 2nd c. CE (Roman copy) ca. 440-430 BCE (Greek original)2009 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown (Roman copy), ... Photographer: Alexandridis, Annetta
3. Statue of the muse Urania Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Warehouse Villa of Marius (so-called), Via Latina, Rome, Italy (discovery site, ca. 1729) (original) Date: ca. 1890-1900 ca. 20 BCE to 10 CE after a Hellenistic original of the 2nd c. BCE2009 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown Photographer: Alexandridis, Annetta
4. Archaistic Dancer from Pergamon Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Warehouse Pergamon, Turkey (discovery site, 1886) (original) Date: ca. 1890-1900 ca. 175-125 BCE2009 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown Photographer: Alexandridis, Annetta