31. Figures N and O (Centaur and Lapith woman), West pediment, Temple of Zeus, Olympia Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Goldwin Smith Hall (Room 174), Cornell University probably Berlin, Germany (reproduction)Olympia, Greece (original) Date: ca. 1890-1900 470-456 BCE2016 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown (Pausanias attributes the West pediment to Alkamenes, possibly erroneously) Photographer: Mihaloew, Andreya
32. Figure M (Theseus), West pediment, Temple of Zeus, Olympia Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Goldwin Smith Hall (Room 174), Cornell University probably Berlin, Germany (reproduction)Olympia, Greece (original) Date: ca. 1890-1900 470-456 BCE2016 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown (Pausanias attributes the West pediment to Alkamenes, possibly erroneously) Photographer: Mihaloew, Andreya
33. Figure L (Apollo), West pediment, Temple of Zeus, Olympia Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Goldwin Smith Hall (Room 174), Cornell University probably Berlin, Germany (reproduction)Olympia, Greece (original) Date: ca. 1890-1900 470-456 BCE2016 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown (Pausanias attributes the West pediment to Alkamenes, possibly erroneously) Photographer: Mihaloew, Andreya
34. Archaistic Artemis from Pompeii Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Goldwin Smith Hall (Room 128), Cornell University previously, WarehousePompeii, Italy (discovery site, House 2 or 3, Regio VIII) (original) Date: ca. 1890-1900 ca. 1st c. BCE to 1st c.-CE2009 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown Photographer: Mihaloew, Andreya
35. Seated Hermes from the Villa of the Papyri Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Klarman Hall Atrium, Cornell University previously, Goldwin Smith Hall (Room 128) and Warehouse Villa dei Papiri, Herculaneum, Italy (discovery sitediscovered 1758) (original) Date: ca. 1890-1900 ca. 1st c. BCE to 79 CE (Roman copy) ca. mid 4th to early 3rd c. BCE (Greek original)2015 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown Photographer: Mihaloew, Andreya
36. Parthenon, East Pediment, fig. D Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Warehouse (exhibited temporarily at Weinhold Chilled Water Plant, Nov. 2014-June 2015) Athens, Greece (original) Date: ca. 1890-1900 438-432 BCE2009 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown (supervised by Phidias) Photographer: Mihaloew, Andreya
37. Mesha Stele Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: White Hall (on wall outside Room 414), Cornell University probably Paris (reproduction)Dhiban (ancient Dibon, in the Kingdom of Moab), Jordan (discovery site, 1868) (original) Date: ca. 1900-1930 ca. 850-800 BCE2014 (image) Format: Image Creator: probably Musées Nationaux Moulages (reproduction), ... Photographer: Mihaloew, Andreya
38. Head from a statuette of a pharaoh, possibly Akhenaten Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: White Hall (showcase outside Room 409), Cornell University Amarna, Egypt (?) (original) Date: ca. 1900-1930 ca. 14th century BCE (?)2014 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown Photographer: Mihaloew, Andreya
39. Rosetta Stone Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: White Hall (mounted on wall outside Room 413), Cornell University el-Rashid (Rosetta), Egypt (discovery site) (original) Date: ca. 1900-1930 196 BCE2014 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown Photographer: Mihaloew, Andreya
40. Head from a statuette of a female deity Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: White Hall (showcase outside Room 409), Cornell University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (reproduction)Ur, Iraq (discovery site, 1925-1926) (original) Date: after 1925 ca. 2350-2025 BCE2014 (image) Format: Image Creator: University of Pennsylvania, Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (American museum, Philadelphia, established 1887) (reproduction), ... Photographer: Mihaloew, Andreya