161. Max Bedacht to Executive Committee Members about Proposed Changes to Leadership Structure, October 1943 (correspondence) Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1943-10-19 Format: Image Creator: Bedacht, Max, 1883-1972 Recipient: IWO Executive Committee Members Organization: International Workers Order (IWO)
162. Tribute to Betzalel Friedman Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Set: Education Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1943-06-20 Format: Image Creator: Goldberg, Itshe (Itche) Creator: גאלדבערג, י Organization: Jewish-American Section, I.W.O.
163. Sixth Convention Resolution Number One: The Main Task Before Our Order Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Set: Black Jewish Relations Conferences, Conventions, MeetingsWomen's Work Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1944-07-02-1944-07-07 Format: Image Creator: International Workers Order (IWO) Organization: International Workers Order
164. Political Actions of IWO; Report from Italian American Section Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Set: Conferences, Conventions, Meetings Exhibit and Collection Highlights Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1943 Format: Image Creator: Candela, Luigi Recipient: International Workers Order Organization: International Workers Order, Garibaldi American Fraternal Society
165. For Unity and for a Victory, Sixth National Convention Report Far eynikayt un far a zigפאַר אייניקייט און פאַ אַ זיג Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Set: Conferences, Conventions, Meetings Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1944-07-02 Format: Image Creator: Zaltsman, R. (Reʾuven) (Rubin Saltzman, Reuben Zaltzman) Creator: זאלצמאן, ר Organization: Jewish Peoples Fraternal Order of the I.W.O. (U.S.)
166. Purpose of the Order 2 Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Set: Black Jewish Relations Conferences, Conventions, Meetings Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1944 Format: Image Creator: International Workers Order (IWO) Organization: International Workers Order
167. Purpose of the Order Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Set: Conferences, Conventions, Meetings Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1944-03-23 Format: Image Creator: International Workers Order (IWO) Organization: International Workers Order
168. Philadelphia Sickout Transit Strike of 1944 Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Set: Black Jewish Relations Conferences, Conventions, Meetings Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States Date: 1944-08-15 Format: Image Creator: Rotenberg, Sol Organization: Jewish Peoples Fraternal Order of the I.W.O. (U.S.)
169. Protocol of the Sixth National Convention of the Jewish Peoples Fraternal Order of the I.W.O. (formerly Jewish-American Section): Copy 1 Protokol fun der zekster natsionaler konvenshun fun dem Yisishn Fraternaler Folks-Ordnפּראָטאָקאָל פון דער זעקסטער נאציאָנאַלער קאָנווענשאָן פון דעם אידישן פראטערנאלער פאָלקס־אָרדן Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Set: Black Jewish Relations Chagall Conferences, Conventions, Meetings Culture FrontPopular Front Years Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1944-07-02 Format: Image Creator: Lifshits, Sh, ... Creator: יוקלסאָן, ר., ... Organization: Jewish Peoples Fraternal Order of the I.W.O. (U.S.)
170. Nora Zhitlowsky to Rubin Saltzman about Lecture Talk Progress, January 1944 (correspondence) Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Set: Culture Front Location: San Francisco, California, United States New York, New York, United States Date: 1944-01-02 Format: Image Creator: Zhitlowsky, Nora Recipient: Zaltsman, R. (Reʾuven) (Rubin Saltzman, Reuben Zaltzman)