1. The cultivation of the peach and the pear: on the Delaware and Chesapeake peninsula, with a chapter on quince culture and the culture of some of the nut-bearing trees Creator: Black, John Janvier, 1837-1909. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Publisher: O. Judd Company, Publication Place: New York : Date: 1886 Format: Book
2. Quince culture: an illustrated hand-book for the propagation and cultivation of the quince, with descriptions of its varieties, insect enemies, diseases, and their remedies Creator: Meech, William Witler, b. 1825. Collection: Core Historical Literature of Agriculture Publisher: Orange Judd, Publication Place: New York : Date: 1888 Format: Book
3. Rea Quince Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Date: 1891 Format: Image Creator: Bailey, L. H. (Liberty Hyde), 1858-1954