1. Olympia, Metope (East 10) Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Warehouse Date: ca. 475-456 BCE 2009 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown
2. Oinomaos, East pediment of the Temple of Zeus in Olympia Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Warehouse Date: ca. 475-456 BCE 2009 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown
3. River god (Kladeos) Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Warehouse Date: ca. 475-456 BCE 2009 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown
4. Olympia, East pediment of the Temple of Zeus Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Warehouse Date: ca. 470-456 BCE 2009 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown
5. Hermes and the Infant Dionysos Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Warehouse Olympia, Greece (discovery site, 1877) (original) Date: ca. 1890-1900 ca. 300-100 BCE2008 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown (attributed to Praxiteles by Pausanius) Photographer: Alexandridis, Annetta
6. Hermes and the Infant Dionysos Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Warehouse Olympia, Greece (discovery site, 1877) (original) Date: ca. 1890-1900 ca. 300-100 BCE2008 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown (attributed to Praxiteles by Pausanius) Photographer: Alexandridis, Annetta
7. Hermes and the Infant Dionysos Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Warehouse Olympia, Greece (discovery site, 1877) (original) Date: ca. 1890-1900 ca. 300-100 BCE2008 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown (attributed to Praxiteles by Pausanius) Photographer: Alexandridis, Annetta
8. Greek inscription from statue base at Olympia Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Warehouse Olympia, Greece (discovery site, SW corner of the Altis, March 1879) (original) Date: ca. 1890-1900 ca. 330-320 BCE2008 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown Photographer: Alexandridis, Annetta
9. Hermes and the Infant Dionysos Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Warehouse Olympia, Greece (discovery site, 1877) (original) Date: ca. 1890-1900 ca. 300-100 BCE2008 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown (attributed to Praxiteles by Pausanius) Photographer: Alexandridis, Annetta
10. Reclining Lion from Olympia Collection: Cornell Cast Collection Location: Warehouse Olympia, Greece (discovery site) (original) Date: ca. 1890-1900 mid 7th c. BCE2008 (image) Format: Image Creator: Unknown Photographer: Alexandridis, Annetta