1. Fruit and Jelly Storage Room in Cellar Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Location: Tompkins County Home of Miss Canon and Miss Blackmore - 204 Cayuga Heights Road, Ithaca, NY Date: 1940-05 Format: Image Creator: Morgan, G. F
2. Fruit and Jelly Storage Room in Cellar Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Location: Tompkins County Home of Miss Canon and Miss Blackmore - 204 Cayuga Heights Road, Ithaca, NY Date: 1940-05 Format: Image Creator: Morgan, G. F
3. Fruit and Vegetable Cellar Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Location: Tompkins County Home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Williamson, Ellis Hollow Rd., Ithaca, NY Date: 1940-05 Format: Image Creator: Morgan, G. F