1. Horrors of slavery : in two parts. Part I. Containing observations, facts, and arguments, extracted from the speeches of Wilberforce, Grenville, Pitt, Burke, Fox, Martin, Whitbread, and other distinguished members of the British Parliament. Part II. Containing extracts, chiefly American, compiled from authentic sources; demonstrating that slavery is impolitic, antirepublican, unchristian, and highly criminal; and proposing measures for its complete abolition through the United States Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: Printed by Hilliard and Metcalf, Sold by Cummings & Hilliard, and Lincoln & Edmands, Boston. Publication Place: Cambridge [Mass.] Date: 1817 Format: Book
2. Report on colonizing the free people of colour of the United States : February 11, 1817 : read, and committed to a committee of the whole House on Monday next. Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: s.n. Publication Place: Washington, D.C. Date: 1817 Format: Book
3. Joint resolution for abolishing the traffick in slaves, and the colinization [sic] of the free people of colour of the United States : February 11, 1817 : read, and committed to a committee of the whole House on Monday next. Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: s.n. Publication Place: Washington, D.C. Date: 1817 Format: Book
4. Memorial of the president and board of managers of the American Society for Colonizing the Free People of Colour of the United States : January 14, 1817 : read and ordered to lie upon the table. Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: Printed by William A. Davis Publication Place: Washington, D.C. Date: 1817 Format: Book
5. In Senate of the United States, January 27, 1817 : Mr. Troup submitted the following motion for consideration. Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: s.n. Publication Place: Washington? Date: 1817 Format: Book
6. In Senate of the United States, December 15, 1817 : Mr. Troup submitted the following motion for consideration. Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: s.n. Publication Place: Washington? Date: 1817 Format: Book
7. Message from the President of the United States in compliance with a resolution of the sixteenth instant, relative to the restitution of slaves under the first article of the Treaty of Ghent. Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: Printed by E. De Krafft Publication Place: Washington Date: 1817 Format: Book
8. A plea for Africa : a sermon preached October 26, 1817, in the First Presbyterian Church in the City of New-York, before the Synod of New-York and New-Jersey, at the request of the Board of Directors of the African School established by the synod Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: Gould, printer Publication Place: New-York Date: 1817 Format: Book
9. The substance of a pamphlet, entitled A solemn review of the custom of war : showing, that war is the effect of popular delusion, and proposing a remedy. Collection: Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Pamphlet Collection Publisher: Printed in America ; Re-printed in England, and sold by J. Lomax Publication Place: Hartford : Stockport Date: 1817 Format: Book
10. The Author noting down the narratives of several free-born people of colour who had been kidnapped. Collection: Images from the Rare Book and Manuscript Collections Location: Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States Date: 1817 Format: Image Creator: Torrey, Jesse, fl. 1787-1834