Horrors of slavery : in two parts. Part I. Containing observations, facts, and arguments, extracted from the speeches of Wilberforce, Grenville, Pitt, Burke, Fox, Martin, Whitbread, and other distinguished members of the British Parliament. Part II. Containing extracts, chiefly American, compiled from authentic sources; demonstrating that slavery is impolitic, antirepublican, unchristian, and highly criminal; and proposing measures for its complete abolition through the United States
Horrors of slavery : in two parts. Part I. Containing observations, facts, and arguments, extracted from the speeches of Wilberforce, Grenville, Pitt, Burke, Fox, Martin, Whitbread, and other distinguished members of the British Parliament. Part II. Containing extracts, chiefly American, compiled from authentic sources; demonstrating that slavery is impolitic, antirepublican, unchristian, and highly criminal; and proposing measures for its complete abolition through the United States