161. The Spark, Volume 2, Issue 4, January, 1932 Der funk, 2ter yorgang, Numer 4דער פונק, 2טער יאָרגאַנג, נומער 4 Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Set: Camps Conferences, Conventions, Meetings Culture Front Education IWO and JPFO Affiliated Publications and PublishingVisual Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1932-01 Format: Image Creator: International Workers Order (IWO) Creator: אינטערנאציאנאלער ארבעטער ארדן Organization: International Workers Order
162. The Spark, Volume 3, Number 2, May-June, 1932 Der funk, 3ter yorgang, Numer 2דער פונק, 3טער יאָרגאַנג, נומער 2 Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Set: Black Jewish Relations Camps Conferences, Conventions, Meetings Culture Front Education IWO and JPFO Affiliated Publications and PublishingVisual Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1932-05 Format: Image Creator: International Workers Order (IWO) Creator: אינטערנאציאנאלער ארבעטער ארדן Organization: International Workers Order
163. The Spark, Volume 3, Number 1, April 1932 Der funk, 3ter yorgang, Numer 1דער פונק, 3טער יאָרגאַנג, נומער 1 Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Set: Camps Conferences, Conventions, Meetings Culture Front Education IWO and JPFO Affiliated Publications and PublishingVisual Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1932-04 Format: Image Creator: International Workers Order (IWO) Creator: אינטערנאציאנאלער ארבעטער ארדן Organization: International Workers Order
164. Marxist Study Courses: History of the Workers Movement, Lecture 3: The Revolution of 1848 in France and Germany Marksistishe shtudir kursn: Geshikhte fun der arbeter bavegung, Drite lektsiye: Di revolutsiye fun yor 1848 in Frankraykh un Daytshlandמארקסיסטישע שטודיר קורסן: געשיכטע פון דער ארבעטער באַוועגונג, דריטע לעקציע: די רעוואָלוציע פון יאָר 1848 אין פראַנקרייך און דייטשלאַנד Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Set: Culture Front Education Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1932 Format: Image Creator: אינטערנאציאנאלער ארבעטער ארדן , א.א.א Organization: International Workers Order
165. Marxist Study Courses: History of the Workers Movement, Second Lecture: The Industrial Revolution in England and Chartism Marksistishe shyudir kursn: Geshikhte fun der arbeter bavegung, Tsveyte leksiye: Di industriele revolutsiye in England un der tshartizmמארקסיסטישע שטודיר קורסן: געשיכטע פון דער ארבעטער באַוועגונג, צווייטע לעקציע: די אינדוסטריעלע רעוואָלוציע אין איינגלאַנד און דער טשאַרטיזם Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Set: Culture Front Education Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1932 Format: Image Creator: אינטערנאציאנאלער ארבעטער ארדן , א.א.א Organization: International Workers Order Press
166. Marxist Study Courses: History of the Workers Movement, First Lecture: The Great French Revolution Marksistishe shtudir kursn: Geshikhte fun der arbeter bavegung, Ershte leksiye: Di groyse Frantsoyzishe revolutsiyeמארקסיסטישע שטודיר קורסן: געשיכטע פון דער ארבעטער באַוועגונג, ערשטע לעקכיע: די גרויסע פראַנצויזישע רעוואָלוציע Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Set: Culture Front Education Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1932 Format: Image Creator: אינטערנאציאנאלער ארבעטער ארדן , א.א.א Organization: International Workers Order
167. The Spark, Volume 3, Number 3, July, 1932 Der funk, 3ter yorgang, Numer 3דער פונק, 3טער יאָרגאַנג, נומער 3 Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Set: Camps Conferences, Conventions, Meetings Culture Front Education IWO and JPFO Affiliated Publications and PublishingVisual Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1932-07 Format: Image Creator: International Workers Order (IWO) Creator: אינטערנאציאנאלער ארבעטער ארדן Organization: International Workers Order
168. The Spark, Volume 3, Number 5, Oct-Nov, 1932 Der funk, 3ter yorgang, Numer 5דער פונק, 3טער יאָרגאַנג, נומער 5 Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Set: Conferences, Conventions, Meetings Culture Front Education IWO and JPFO Affiliated Publications and PublishingVisual Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1932-10 Format: Image Creator: International Workers Order (IWO) Creator: אינטערנאציאנאלער ארבעטער ארדן Organization: International Workers Order
169. The Spark, Volume 3, Number 4, August-September Der funk, 3ter yorgang, Numer 4דער פונק, 3טער יאָרגאַנג, נומער 4 Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Set: Camps Conferences, Conventions, Meetings Culture Front Education IWO and JPFO Affiliated Publications and PublishingVisual Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1932-08 Format: Image Creator: International Workers Order (IWO) Creator: אינטערנאציאנאלער ארבעטער ארדן Organization: International Workers Order
170. The Spark, Volume 3, Number 6, December, 1932 Der funk, 3ter yorgang, numer 6דער פונק, 3טער יאָרגאַנג, נומער 6 Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Set: Conferences, Conventions, Meetings Culture Front Education IWO and JPFO Affiliated Publications and PublishingVisual Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1932-12 Format: Image Creator: International Workers Order (IWO) Creator: אינטערנאציאנאלער ארבעטער ארדן Organization: International Workers Order