1. A Peace Movement-Wide "No Nuclear Weapons" Campaign, To Stop The US-Soviet Nuclear Arms Race Collection: Institute for Defense and Disarmament Studies Records Date: Undated Format: Image Creator: Forsberg, Randall
2. "Call to Halt the Nuclear Arms Race" Draft 3, 1979 Collection: Institute for Defense and Disarmament Studies Records Date: 1979-12-19 Format: Image Creator: Forsberg, Randall
3. Nuclear Imperialism, 1979 Collection: Institute for Defense and Disarmament Studies Records Date: 1979-09 Format: Image Creator: Forsberg, Randall
4. Strategy for A Concerted National Effort to Halt The Nuclear Arms Race, 1980 Collection: Institute for Defense and Disarmament Studies Records Date: 1980-08-25 Format: Image Creator: Sommaripa, George, ...
5. "Stop the Arms Race!" The Proposal to Stop the Development and Production of Nuclear Weapons, 1981 Collection: Institute for Defense and Disarmament Studies Records Date: 1981-11-25 Format: Image Creator: Forsberg, Randall
6. Testimony at Ad Hoc Hearings on the Full Implications of the Military Budget, 1982 Collection: Institute for Defense and Disarmament Studies Records Date: 1982-04-01 Format: Image Creator: Forsberg, Randall
7. The Case for a Nuclear-Weapon Freeze, Not Used, Prepared for a Congressional dabate with R. Burt, 1982 Collection: Institute for Defense and Disarmament Studies Records Date: 1982-03 Format: Image Creator: Forsberg, Randall
8. Press Statement at the announcement of the bipartisan, joint House-Senate Freeze Resolution, 1982 Collection: Institute for Defense and Disarmament Studies Records Date: 1982-03-10 Format: Image Creator: Forsberg, Randall
9. No First Use and the Nuclear Freeze: Complementary or Competing Concepts?, 1982 Collection: Institute for Defense and Disarmament Studies Records Date: 1982-10-06 Format: Image Creator: Forsberg, Randall
10. Randall Forsberg Address, 20th Anniversary March on Washington, 1983 Collection: Institute for Defense and Disarmament Studies Records Date: 1983-08-27 Format: Image Creator: Forsberg, Randall