61. Aaron Droock to JPFO Requesting Contribution to Conference Budget, March 1945 (correspondence) Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1945-03-01 Format: Image Creator: Droock, Aaron Recipient: Jewish Peoples Fraternal Order of the I.W.O. (U.S.) Organization: American Jewish Conference
62. Appeal for the Million Dollar Campaign With Names and Addresses of Contributors Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Set: Culture Front PolandPostwar Reconstruction and Relief Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1945-11-07 Format: Image Creator: Zaltsman, R. (Reʾuven) (Rubin Saltzman, Reuben Zaltzman), ... Creator: קאַהן, א, ... Organization: Jewish Peoples Fraternal Order of the I.W.O. (U.S.)
63. A Song to the Order Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Set: Culture Front Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1945-08 Format: Image Creator: Davidman, Solomon, 1900-1975 Creator: דאַווידמאַן, שלמה Organization: Jewish Peoples Fraternal Order of the I.W.O. (U.S.)
64. David Sherman to JPFO Calling for Mass Action, September 1945 (telegram) Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Location: New York, New York, United States Date: 1945-09-24 Format: Image Creator: Sherman, David Recipient: Jewish Peoples Fraternal Order of the I.W.O. (U.S.) Organization: American Zionist Emergency Council
65. Jewish Peoples Fraternal Order to President Harry Truman about Death of FDR, April 1945 (telegram) Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Set: IWO and JPFO Affiliated Publications and Publishing Location: Washington, District of Columbia, United States New York, New York, United States Date: 1945-04 Format: Image Creator: Zaltsman, R. (Reʾuven) (Rubin Saltzman, Reuben Zaltzman), ... Recipient: Truman, Harry S., 1884-1972 Organization: Jewish Peoples Fraternal Order of the I.W.O. (U.S.)
66. Chaim Plotkin to Rubin Saltzman about Settling Account, December 1945 (correspondence) Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Location: Miami Beach, Miami-Dade, Florida, United States New York, New York, United States Date: 1945-12-31 Format: Image Creator: Plotkin, Chaim Creator: פּלאָטקין, ה Recipient: Zaltsman, R. (Reʾuven) (Rubin Saltzman, Reuben Zaltzman) Organization: Jewish Peoples Fraternal Order of the I.W.O. (U.S.)
67. JPFO to Franklin Delano Roosevelt on his Fourth Inauguration, January 1945 (telegram) Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Location: Washington, District of Columbia, United States New York, New York, United States Date: 1945-01-20 Format: Image Creator: Jewish Peoples Fraternal Order of the I.W.O. (U.S.) Recipient: Roosevelt, Franklin D. (Franklin Delano), 1882-1945 Organization: Jewish Peoples Fraternal Order of the I.W.O. (U.S.)
68. Shifra Weiss to Rubin Saltzman about Poems "My Torn-Out Heart" and "To The Red Army" Mayn oysgeflikte hartzמיין אויסגעפליקטע הארץ Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Set: Culture Front PolandWarsaw Ghetto Location: New York, New York, United States Los Angeles, California, United States Format: Image Creator: Shifra Weiss (Shifre Vays) Creator: ווייס, שפרה Recipient: Zaltsman, R. (Reʾuven) (Rubin Saltzman, Reuben Zaltzman) Organization: Jewish Peoples Fraternal Order of the I.W.O. (U.S.)
69. Report: School and War Barikht. Shul un milkhomeבאַריכט: שול און מלחמה Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Set: Education Location: New York, New York, United States Format: Image Creator: Goldberg, Itshe (Itche) Creator: גאלדבערג, א Organization: Jewish Peoples Fraternal Order of the I.W.O. (U.S.)
70. Twentieth Anniversary Almanac (Almanakh) of the Moshe Katz Children's School 24 Tsvantsik-yoriker yubiley almanakh fun der Moshe Katz Kinder Shul 24צוואנציק–יאָריקער יוביליי אַלמאנאַך פון דער משה כץ אידישער קינדער–שול 24 Collection: International Workers’ Order (IWO) and Jewish People's Fraternal Order (JPFO) Set: Black Jewish Relations Cold War Education Poland Women's WorkIWO and JPFO Affiliated Publications and Publishing Location: Bronx, New York, New York, United States New York, New York, United States Date: 1945-06 Format: Image Creator: S. Stahlberg et al, Moshe Katz Children's School 24, JPFO Creator: סטאלבערג, ש Organization: Jewish Peoples Fraternal Order of the I.W.O. (U.S.)