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Protocol of the Sixth National Convention of the Jewish Peoples Fraternal Order of the I.W.O. (formerly Jewish-American Section): Copy 1
Protokol fun der zekster natsionaler konvenshun fun dem Yisishn Fraternaler Folks-Ordn
פּראָטאָקאָל פון דער זעקסטער נאציאָנאַלער קאָנווענשאָן פון דעם אידישן פראטערנאלער פאָלקס־אָרדן
3. Rubin Saltzman to Roosevelt Seeking a Fourth Term, July 1944 (telegram)
4. Albert E. Kahn and Rubin Saltzman to Sidney Hillman Celebrating Successful Campaign, November 1944 (correspondence)
For Unity and for a Victory, Sixth National Convention Report
Far eynikayt un far a zig
פאַר אייניקייט און פאַ אַ זיג
6. Rubin Saltzman to Professor Hayim Fineman about Alternate to Rescue Committee, April 1945 (correspondence)
7. David Sherman to JPFO Calling for Mass Action, September 1945 (telegram)
8. Albert E. Kahn to David Sherman about Outreach Efforts, April 1945 (correspondence)
9. Rubin Saltzman to Dr. Israel Goldstein about JPFO's Request to Join the Interim Committee, January 1945 (correspondence)
10. Rubin Saltzman to Louis Lipsky about Representation on the Interim Committee, January 1945 (correspondence)
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