A Detection of That Sinnfvl, Shamfvl, Lying, and Ridicvlovs Discovrs, of Samvel Harshnet. Entitvled: A Discoverie of the Frawdvlent Practises of Iohn Darrell. Wherein is Manifestly and Apparantly Shewed in the Eyes of the World. Not only the vnlikelihoode, but the flate impossibilitie of the pretended counterfayting of William Somers, Thomas Darling, Kath. Wright, and Mary Couper, togeather with the other 7. in Lancashire, and the supposed teaching of them by the saide Iohn Darrell.
A Detection of That Sinnfvl, Shamfvl, Lying, and Ridicvlovs Discovrs, of Samvel Harshnet. Entitvled: A Discoverie of the Frawdvlent Practises of Iohn Darrell. Wherein is Manifestly and Apparantly Shewed in the Eyes of the World. Not only the vnlikelihoode, but the flate impossibilitie of the pretended counterfayting of William Somers, Thomas Darling, Kath. Wright, and Mary Couper, togeather with the other 7. in Lancashire, and the supposed teaching of them by the saide Iohn Darrell.
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