A True and Impartial Relation of the Informations Against Three Witches, Viz. Temperance Lloyd, Mary Trembles, and Susanna Edwards. Who were Indicted, Arraigned, and Convicted at the Assizes holden for the County of Devon at the Castle of Exon, Aug. 14. 1682. With Their several Confessions, taken before Thomas Gist Mayor, and John Davie Alderman of Biddiford in the said County, where they were Inhabitants. As Also Their Speeches, Confessions, and Behaviour, at the time and place of Execution on the Twenty fifth of the said Month.
A True and Impartial Relation of the Informations Against Three Witches, Viz. Temperance Lloyd, Mary Trembles, and Susanna Edwards. Who were Indicted, Arraigned, and Convicted at the Assizes holden for the County of Devon at the Castle of Exon, Aug. 14. 1682. With Their several Confessions, taken before Thomas Gist Mayor, and John Davie Alderman of Biddiford in the said County, where they were Inhabitants. As Also Their Speeches, Confessions, and Behaviour, at the time and place of Execution on the Twenty fifth of the said Month.
Printed by Freemen Collins, and are to be Sold by T. Benskin, in St. Brides Church-yard, and C. Yeo Bookseller in Exon
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London: Printed by Freemen Collins, and are to be Sold by T. Benskin, in St. Brides Church-yard, and C. Yeo Bookseller in Exon
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Print Source:
London: Printed by Freemen Collins, and are to be Sold by T. Benskin, in St. Brides Church-yard, and C. Yeo Bookseller in Exon