Demoniality Or Incubi And Succubi A Treatise wherein is shown that there are in existence on earth rational creatures besides man, endowed like him with a body and a soul, that are born and die like him, redeemed by our Lord Jesus-Christ, and capable of receiving salvation or damnation. Published from the original Latin manuscript discovered in London in the year 1872, and translated into French by Isidore Liseux Now first translated into English With the Latin Text
Demoniality Or Incubi And Succubi A Treatise wherein is shown that there are in existence on earth rational creatures besides man, endowed like him with a body and a soul, that are born and die like him, redeemed by our Lord Jesus-Christ, and capable of receiving salvation or damnation. Published from the original Latin manuscript discovered in London in the year 1872, and translated into French by Isidore Liseux Now first translated into English With the Latin Text
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