23 x 18 on sheet 31 x 23 (centimeters, height x width)
This satirical map relates to an effort of Louis Barthou, Foreign Minister of France, to protect Europe by encircling Germany. Barthou had sought help in implementing this initiative from Roumania (represented here by Nicolae Titulescu, then Foreign Minister) and Czechoslovakia (represented by Thomas Masaryk, then President). See Sturdza 1968, 55, 66, 70-71, 91-92. Peace, on the right, looks on with concern as the three nations maneuver - but War urges her not to "Disturb My Old Men," the three elderly statesmen planning the containment.
This cartoon from the magazine Kladderadatsch reflects the Nazi contention that Germany was increasingly encircled and threatened by its neighbors - and therefore should be released from the restrictions on armaments imposed by the Treaty of Versailles. Herb 1997, 115-121. A number of other German maps make the same point. See ID #1243.04 (Gauss); #1241.05 (Leers); #1251.05 (Putzger); #1240 (Noll). For background on the history and role of Kladderadatsch, see Notes for ID #2031.01 (Vermin).