13 v. (double leaves). 桂川甫周蔵梓. 此書原係和蘭人道氏就法爾末第二版譯. / Katsuragawa Hoshū zōshin. Kono gensho wa Oranda-jin Dō-shi no Hōjimatsu no dai ni-hanʾyaku ni yoru.
The content in Japanese Woodblock Print Materials: Knowledge of the World in the Early Modern Period Collection is believed to be in the public domain by virtue of its creation date and is presented by Cornell University Library under the Guidelines for Using Text, Images, Audio, and Video from Cornell University Library Collections [http://hdl.handle.net/1813.001/CULCopyright]. This collection was digitized by Cornell University Library in 2012 from archival material, with funding from a Digital Collections in Arts and Sciences Grant to Katsuya Hirano and Dan McKee. For more information about these volumes, please contact Kroch Asia Library reference staff at asiaref@cornell.edu. Responsibility for making an independent legal assessment of an item and securing any necessary permissions ultimately rests with persons desiring to use the item.