Top Row: Tom Burger, George Diehl, Tom Bean, Al Longley, Steve Rounds, Al Richardson, Jim Rice, Bob Smith, George MacDonald; 2nd Row: Dave Maroney, Newy Burnett (Ass't Mgr), Ted Reifsteck, Dick McErlean, Tom Young, Tom Weissenborn, Bill Morrison, Harry Cassel, Ted Eskild, Andy Huber, Charlie Deakyne, Guess Who! (E[dward] J T[rethaway]); 3rd Row: Larry Sunderland, Larry Woodworth (Cap't '50), John Roberts, Bill Epler, Ed Rock (Cap't), Don Sutherland, Dick Kaley, Trev Warfield, Charlie Dye, Coach Ray Van Orman; Bottom Row: Dave Gardner (Ass't Mgr.), Dan Nesbett, Glen Caffry, Bill Eustis, Rod Cooper, Bill Develin (Missed Picture) Nicknames: Kaley - Mongo, Maroney - Mumbles, Morrison - Bubbles, Weissenborn - Shifty, Epler - Ep, Sutherland - Suds, Woodworth - Woody
Cite As:
Edward J. Trethaway Papers, #41-5-2617. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.