Trethaway, Tex Bratton, Bud Collis, Pete Taussig?, Stu Shotwell, Joe Quinn, Suds Sutherland, Neil Munch, Jim Burgunder, Pete Allen, Jim Epler, Ed Rocke, George Hull, Jim Hutchinson, Ted Eskild, Harry Miller, Coach Van Orman, Hal Warendorf; Bottom Row: Rhode, Jack Dorney, Gene Adams, David Dennedy, Norm Larimer, Tom Baldwin, Larin?, Bill Huntsmann, Jim McChesney, Lou Schimoler? (Dutch, Capt.) Bud Barthalow, Lee Gaines, Lin Roland, Dick Webster
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Edward J. Trethaway Papers, #41-5-2617. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.