South on Main Street Two Blocks South of Market Square
Has a grid plan, a market square, and a market building On a site provided by a monastery Joint venture with the Abbey of Cadouin and Bertrand & Arnaud, Lords of Mons. Warped grid follows narrowing hilltop plateau rising from surrounding valley. Square in shape with one side angled outward. Bordered by arcades and market building rebuilt in 1903 in a kind of Gothic, half-timber style.
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John Reps Papers, #15-2-1101. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
The images in the John Reps Bastides Collection (a portion of "John Reps Papers, #15-2-1101") are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY) ( Attribution must be given to their copyright owner/creator/photographer, John Reps. Images in the John Reps Bastides Collection were created between 1951-2014, and were digitized from 35mm slides by Cornell University Library. For questions, comments, or feedback about this collection please contact the Rare and Manuscript Collection at Please include the following citation in any use of materials from the John Reps Bastides Collection: John Reps Papers, #15-2-1101. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.