Rolling Cones
- Title:
- Rolling Cones
- Title (German):
- Kegelrollung, Axoide mit Punktbahnen, Vollkegel rollt im Hohlkegel, Verhältnis 1:2
- Collection:
- Reuleaux Kinematic Mechanisms Collection
- Set:
- R. Cycloid Rolling Models
- Designer:
- Reuleaux, F. (Franz), 1829-1905
- Manufacturer:
- Gustav Voigt Werkstatt
- Date:
- 1882
- Country:
- Germany
- Voigt Catalog Model:
- R2
- File Name:
- R02.jpg
- Work Type:
- Mechanical model
- Materials/Techniques:
- cast iron and brass on wood pedestal
- Subject:
- Kinematics of Machinery
- Measurement:
- 157 x 154 (millimeters, width x depth)
180 x 179 x 250 (millimeters, width x depth x height) - Description:
- The curves traced by the rolling of one cone on another are called spherical cycloids. This model illustrates space curves traced by the rolling of a cone inside another cone with a diameter ratio of 1:3. These curves are similar to the mathematical cycloid curves traced by a plane cylinder rolling on another cylinder. This is Reuleaux's version of 3D graphics. In this model, three curves are traced by three points on the rolling cone. The point on the conical axis traces a circular path, while another traces an elliptically shaped path on a spherical surface. The third path appears to have two cusps and is traced by a point on the circumference of the rolling cone. Rolling cone motion is found in helical gear mechanisms still used in modern automobile transmissions. [Francis Moon 2004-10-25]
The 220 models in Cornell University’s Reuleaux Collection were built in the late 19th century to demonstrate the elements of machine motion, as theorized by the German engineer Franz Reuleaux. The University acquired the models in 1882 for use in teaching and research. The Reuleaux models are classified according to the alphanumeric schema employed in the catalog of the manufacturer, Gustav Voigt. The letter in a model's ID (e.g., B14 or S35) refers to a class of mechanism; the number is a specific instance of the class. This classification scheme is a simplified version of the taxonomy of machine elements elaborated in Reuleaux's work. - Repository:
- Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University
- Format:
- Image
- Rights:
- Photography credit: Jon Reis ( Jon Reis Photography grants Cornell University Libraries and the Cornell College of Engineering the rights to display copyrighted images of the Reuleux collection of kinetic machines on the Cornell University and National Science Digital Library web sites and for unlimited use in Cornell University Library publications for education purposes only. Rights for all other uses, including but not limited to, editorial, commercial, advertising, web use and display by third parties not affiliated with Cornell University are reserved by the photographer. The written permission of any copyright and other rights holders is required for distribution, reproduction, or other use that extends beyond what is authorized by fair use and other statutory exemptions. Responsibility for making an independent legal assessment of an item and securing any necessary permissions ultimately rests with persons desiring to use the item. For questions about this item or other items please contact the Physical Sciences Librarians at