14 x 28 on sheet 24 x 30 (centimeters, height x width)
The text below the map explains: "This picture helps us to understand the wonderful way in which the British Empire is established throughout the world." In fact, by displaying oversized flags of British possessions, this map artificially increases the apparent size and scope of the Empire.
The Children’s Encyclopaedia (later Encyclopedia) was first published as an eight-volume set in England in 1910, and later editions were produced for many years in both England and the U.S. For another persuasive map of the British Empire from the Children’s Encyclopaedia - also using pictorial elements to enhance the apparent scope of the Empire - see ID #2298, “The Empire on Which the Sun Never Sets - Britain’s Realm Throughout the World.” For other instances of persuasive cartography used to support the Empire, see Subjects > Imperialism.