Blancs et Jaunes
- Title:
- Blancs et Jaunes
- Alternate Title:
- Blancs et Jaunes
- Collection:
- Persuasive Maps: PJ Mode Collection
- Creator:
- Domani
Andrieux, Louis, 1840-1931
- Date:
- 1904
- Posted Date:
- 2015-08-25
- ID Number:
- 1146.01
- Collection Number:
- 8548
- File Name:
- PJM_1146_01.jpg
- Style/Period:
- 1900 - 1919
- Subject:
- Satirical
Russo-Japanese War
Pictorial - Measurement:
- 31 x 26 on sheet 43 x 30 (centimeters, height x width)
- Notes:
- A satirical cartoon from late in the Russo-Japanese War. It's likely not a coincidence that this cartoon appeared in a French publication. Russia and France had strong economic ties at the time, and France played a major role in financing the Russian war effort. Japan's financing came primarily from England (formally neutral in the war, but fearful of Russian objectives) and the United States (Haruo 2007, 192).
A tall, muscular, white Russian, "Champion d'Europe," about to square off over a map of Manchuria and Korea with a short, slight, "jaune" Japanese "Champion d'Asie." Marianne of France sits behind the Russian fighter, while John Bull of England and Uncle Sam are on the other side of the ring. Leaders of other nations look on from ringside, while a Chinese figure is able to watch only from a distance, outside the curtains.
For further information on the Collector’s Notes and a Feedback/Contact Link, see and - Source:
- Le Petit Parisien, April 03, 1904.
- Cite As:
- P.J. Mode collection of persuasive cartography, #8548. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
- Repository:
- Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library
- Archival Collection:
- P.J. Mode collection of persuasive cartography
- Format:
- Image
- Rights:
- For important information about copyright and use, see