22 x 22 on sheet 25 x 30 (centimeters, height x width)
The spread of "Germanness" in Europe. This map yields results very similar to those reflecting the notions of German "Volks- und Kulterboden." See Notes for ID #1216 (Penck).The scale of the large red circles in the Eastern and Midwestern U.S. is subject to arbitrary manipulation.
Gauss, Paul. 1935. Das Buch vom Deutschen Volkstum: Wesen - Lebensraum - Schicksal. [The Book of German Nationality: Essense - Living Space - Destiny] Leipzig: F. U. Brockhaus. 6.
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P.J. Mode collection of persuasive cartography, #8548. Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.