Location of 237 Tornadoes. By States, up to 1882.
- Title:
- Location of 237 Tornadoes. By States, up to 1882.
- Alternate Title:
- Location of 237 Tornadoes
- Collection:
- Persuasive Maps: PJ Mode Collection
- Creator:
- Bookwalter, J.
- Date:
- 1892
- Posted Date:
- 2024-04-25
- ID Number:
- 2486.01
- File Name:
- PJM_2486_01.jpg
- Style/Period:
- 1870 - 1899
- Subject:
- Advertising & Promotion
Not So Persuasive
Railroads - Measurement:
- 18 x 12 (centimeters, height x width)
- Notes:
- This map appears inside the front cover of a promotional brochure published by the St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Railway Company aimed at selling "Two Million Acres Farming, Grazing and Timber Lands" held by the Railway, particular to immigrants. The 16-page pamphlet is filled with data, text and testimonials about agricultural products, grain rates, wheat prices, soil, climate, cattle, dairy, poultry, lumber, lakes, streams, churches, schools, healthfulness and other attractions of the state. In addition to the map, there is a birds-eye view of Crookston, Minnesota, and illustrations of a scene on the Red River and (on the back cover) the prize-winning steer "Benholm." Land rates are described in detail, along with special discounts on train tickets and shipping for emigrants. The brochure is signed by "J. Bookwalter, Land Commissioner" for the Railway.
In a separate statement of "Some Other Reasons" why one should emigrate to Minnesota, H.H. Young, "Commissioner for State of Minnesota," argues (p.9) that a local resident "is practically out of reach of tornadoes" (as well as "exempt from" various diseases). The map shows the locations of the Railway's lines and compares the number of tornadoes in Minnesota against those in neighboring states also seeking to attract emigrants. It is intended to support the tornado statement, but it's not clear that it achieves this purpose. Portions of Michigan are shown on the map, but without any tornado data. More significantly, the map divides Minnesota into three regions, such that the number of tornadoes in Northern Minnesota (the least hospitable portion of the state) was "NONE." By comparison, Southern Minnesota had 17 tornadoes - more than two of the states competing for new settlers, Nebraska (14) and Wisconsin (11).
The map and brochure are undated, and most of the data presented end in 1886. It was first published in that year in English and Swedish and signed by A. L. Mohler. This copy carries a different signature and contains some data from as late as May 15, 1892 (p.16).
For other railroad promotional maps, Search > "rail*".
Cornell University Library is pleased to present this digital collection of Persuasive Maps, the originals of which have been collected and described by the private collector PJ Mode. The descriptive information in the “Collector’s Notes” has been supplied by Mr. Mode and does not necessarily reflect the views of Cornell University. - Source:
- Bookwalter, J. 1892. What They Raise in Minnesota. [St. Paul]: St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba Railway Company.
- Format:
- Image
- Rights:
- For important information about copyright and use, see http://persuasivemaps.library.cornell.edu/copyright.