Santa Cruz
- Title:
- Santa Cruz
- Collection:
- Billie Jean Isbell Andean Collection
- Set:
- Santa Cruz ritual series
- Date:
- 1967
- Country:
- Peru
- ID Number:
- ISB_00229
- File Name:
- ISB_00229.jpg
- Culture:
- Quechua
- Subject:
- Feast of the Crosses (Ritual)
Civil-religious hierarchies
Prestige hierarchies
Santa Cruz (Ritual)
Rites & ceremonies
Parades & processions
Politics & government
Civil service - Image View Description:
- View of Santa Cruz
- Description:
- The harvest festival, Santa Cruz, involves bringing all the crosses that mark ecological boundaries into the church to be blessed by the priest. The varayoq deliver the crosses after processing around the plaza. Notice the high poles that replace the staff of office for ritual occasions.
- Bibliography:
- Isbell, Billie Jean. To Defend Ourselves: Ecology and Ritual in an Andean Village. Prospect Heights, Ill.: Waveland Press, 1985. 6.3
To Defend Ourselves, Ecology and Ritual in an Andean Village, by Billie Jean Isbell. Waveland Press, 1985, chapter 6, section 3:
Billie Jean Isbell Andean Collection, Images from the Andes: Collection Highlights: Rituals: - Repository:
- Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library
- Series:
- Santa Cruz ritual series : 06
- Format:
- Image
- Rights:
- This digital collection and its contents are owned and operated by the Cornell University Library. Digital reproductions are provided for private study, scholarship, and research use only and may not be downloaded for use in electronic or print publications (including websites), exhibitions or broadcasts, without permission.