This world map from the Times Atlas at the height of the cold war uses an unusual projection to suggest that the "Western Alliances" (in the unusual color purple) surround the "Communist States" (in orange and yellow). The mapmaker, John Bartholmew, entitled this the "Atlantis" Projection and described it as "A Transverse Oblique Homolographic Equal-Area Arrangement." (There is a certain redundancy in this description, because "homolographic" means "equal area.")
For similar maps, see Subjects > Unusual Projections. Cornell University Library is pleased to present this digital collection of Persuasive Maps, the originals of which have been collected and described by the private collector PJ Mode. The descriptive information in the “Collector’s Notes” has been supplied by Mr. Mode and does not necessarily reflect the views of Cornell University.
Bartholmew, John. 1957. The Times Atlas of the World, Mid-Century Edition. London: Times Publishing Company.