56 x 53 on sheet 77 x 58 (centimeters, height x width)
This large poster map was produced to communicate to the French public the benefits that nation was receiving under the post-World War II Marshall Plan for European reconstruction. It is a map of France set against a background of the American stars and stripes. More than two dozen symbols show the nature of individual assistance provided in each French province, from electrical generation and refineries to dairies and public health.
According to data at the bottom center, the “aggregate amount of ECA purchase authorizations for France” totaled 719 billion French Francs as of October 25, 1950. That is approximately $2.1 billion in 1950 US dollars, the equivalent of about $22 billion in 2019 US dollars. Detailed figures provide further breakdowns by company and industry. France was second only to the United Kingdom in the amount of Marshall Plan assistance. Cornell University Library is pleased to present this digital collection of Persuasive Maps, the originals of which have been collected and described by the private collector PJ Mode. The descriptive information in the “Collector’s Notes” has been supplied by Mr. Mode and does not necessarily reflect the views of Cornell University.