This satirical map illustrates an article in Collier’s Magazine in the fall of 1944 by Robert Bellaire entitled “Japan’s Neck is Out.” With the Japanese defeat at Saipan, the author concludes that “all hope of victory died.” Nevertheless, “to win the Pacific War, we must invade Japan proper” and Bellaire proceeds to describe “the invasion roadmap, with itineraries.”
The map shows Southeast Asia overlaid with a cartoon Japanese military figure reacting in alarm, his arms askew. Blasts are shown reflecting attacks near his head (in the Kurile Islands) and his feet (in Sumatra). And a fist clad in the stars and stripes pummels the figure in his midsection, from the Philippines to Formosa to the Ryukyu Islands, illustrating the three alternative “invasion alternatives” described in the article. Cornell University Library is pleased to present this digital collection of Persuasive Maps, the originals of which have been collected and described by the private collector PJ Mode. The descriptive information in the “Collector’s Notes” has been supplied by Mr. Mode and does not necessarily reflect the views of Cornell University.
Bellaire, Robert, "Japan's Neck is Out!," Collier's Magazine, October 28, 1944.