18 x 5.5 on page 25 x 19 (centimeters, height x width)
For detailed background and the context of this map, see Notes for ID #2387.01.
This map illustrates the gerrymandering of “Derry City,” shown as a round green area bisected by a red “City Division” line. Under the caption “This is NOT an Orang-Outang,” the legend states that because “the Tories were determined that the Nationalists would not represent” the historic city in Parliament, they created a new boundary cutting Derry in two, with half added to “a huge rural area” and the remainder “placed in another constituency.” The surrounding text shows how the gerrymandering was also used successfully to manipulate local and district elections. Cornell University Library is pleased to present this digital collection of Persuasive Maps, the originals of which have been collected and described by the private collector PJ Mode. The descriptive information in the “Collector’s Notes” has been supplied by Mr. Mode and does not necessarily reflect the views of Cornell University.
The All-Party Anti-Partition Conference. Ireland's Right to Unity. Dublin: Cahill & Co., 2nd ed., [1950].