Featley, Daniel, and William Wordsworth. The Dippers Dipt, or, The Anabaptists Duck'd and Plung'd over Head and Ears, at a Disputation in Southwark: Also a Large and Full Discourse of Their 1. Originall, 2. Severall Sorts, 3. Peculiar Errours, 4. High Attempts against the State, 5. Capitall Punishments. The 5th ed. London: Printed for N.B. and Richard Royston, 1647.
Wordsworth BX4930 .F28 1647
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Featley, Daniel, and William Wordsworth. The Dippers Dipt, or, The Anabaptists Duck'd and Plung'd over Head and Ears, at a Disputation in Southwark: Also a Large and Full Discourse of Their 1. Originall, 2. Severall Sorts, 3. Peculiar Errours, 4. High Attempts against the State, 5. Capitall Punishments. The 5th ed. London: Printed for N.B. and Richard Royston, 1647.