This very early Cold War map of Europe is the cover of a special supplement to the Philadelphia Inquirer for April 15, 1948. East and West are divided by a huge Iron Curtain, stretching - in Churchill's words - "From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic." To the West is an immense image of Uncle Sam pushing a wheelbarrow laden with the food, medical supplies and oil brought to foster recovery by the Marshall Plan. (Elsewhere in the supplement is a detailed description of the Marshall Plan and a chart of "How Marshall Plan Money Will Be Distributed.") To the East is a barren Soviet Union, represented by a dozen howling wolves eager to scale the wall confining them. For other persuasive maps in this supplement, see ID ##2361.02-.03.
For another three-dimensional view of the Iron Curtain, in this case the Berlin Wall, see ID #1374.01.