This leaflet was dropped on Germany and areas it occupied by Allied aircraft in April 1944. It focuses on the Ukraine, long regarded as “The Breadbasket of Europe” for its extensive agricultural output.
The front shows a map of the Ukraine covered by a red “X” and the words “The Dream is Over - All of the Ukraine is Again in Russian Hands.” It reproduces statements from Hitler and Goring in the fall of 1942 acknowledging the German Army’s suffering from the brutal campaign on the Eastern Front but promising that “From this day onwards, it will always be better, for we have the regions of fertile soil . . . Eggs, butter, flour - it is there to a degree that cannot be imagined.”
The verso is headlined “The East Has Bread for All,” and recounts the “sacrifice” of millions of German soldiers, the recapture of the Ukraine by the Russians, and the impact on the food supply of Germany. It ends by informing Germany citizens and soldiers alike that they would now need to go “Back to Turnips!”