Das Reich der Liebe [The Land of Love]
- Title:
- Das Reich der Liebe [The Land of Love]
- Alternate Title:
- Das Reich der Liebe [The Land of Love]
- Collection:
- Persuasive Maps: PJ Mode Collection
- Creator:
- Breitkopf, Johann Gottlob Immanuel
- Date:
- 1795
- Date 2:
- 2024-04-25
- ID Number:
- 2315.01
- File Name:
- PJM_2315_01.jpg
- Style/Period:
- Before 1800
- Subject:
- Romance/Love/Marriage
Unusual Graphics/Text - Measurement:
- 17 x 23 (centimeters, height x width)
- Notes:
- This is one of three fantasy maps originally produced in 1777 by Johann Gottlob Immanuel Breitkopf to demonstrate his new technique for printing maps entirely with moveable type. Breitkopf had revolutionized the printing of music with moveable type, and was experimenting here with the use of type to produce everything on the map. Although “the method proved cumbersome and time-consuming, and was discontinued” (Delaney 2012, 214), the map lived on through later states and editions. This copy is from volume LX of J. G. Kunitz’s Oeconomische Encyclopaedie, probably 1795. See Hill 1978, 54, 58.
The commentary of love and marriage is extensive: “In the map itself, the pilgrim sets out from the Land of Youth (Land der Jugend) , whence the Rivers of Wishes (Fluss der Wünsche) & Fountain of Joys (Quell der Freuden) have their sources. At the borders of the Land of Youth the traveller encounters the Stone of Warning (Warnungstein). The journey of Love might lead into six different Lands – Land of Happy Love (Land der Glücklichen Liebe), through the midst of which runs the River of Pleasure (Freudenstrom); the Land of Haughtiness & Pride (Land der Hagelstolze) with settlements such as Stupidity (Dummheitsdorf) and Refusal of an offer of marriage (Korbgebe); the District of Fixed Ideas (Gebiet der Fixen Ideen) with sites such as the City of Dreams (Stadt der Träume), the Bridge of Hope (Brücke der Hoffnung) and the Pass of Sighs (Seufzerflur) through the mountains on its western borders; the Land of Pleasures (Land der Lüste) with the field of intoxication (Taumelsfeld), Infirmity House (Schwachheim) and Illness Valley (Krankenthal); and finally the worst of all territories, the Land of Unhappy Love (Land der Traurenden Liebe) through which runs the River of Tears (Thränenfluss), and lying adjacent to it, the Desert and Morass of Melancholy (Wüste der Schwermuth / Morast der Tiefsinns) on the shores of the Sea of Despair (Meer der Verzweiflung). On its eastern shores the settlement of Short-time-to-death (Totenweilen), in a no-man’s land whose only other landmarks are the settlements of Separation (Scheidung), Hatred (Hass), Indignation (Unwill) and Quarrel (Zänkershall) beside the Heath of Vexation (Verdrüssliche Heide).” http://www.barronmaps.com/products/das-reich-der-liebe-1777/, accessed June 29, 2017
For further information on the Collector’s Notes and a Feedback/Contact Link, see https://persuasivemaps.library.cornell.edu/content/about-collection-personal-statement and https://persuasivemaps.library.cornell.edu/content/feedback-and-contact - Source:
- Krunitz, J. G. 1795. Oeconomische Encyclopaedie. Berlin. Vol. LX.
- Format:
- Image
- Rights:
- For important information about copyright and use, see http://persuasivemaps.library.cornell.edu/copyright.