29 x 53 on sheet 34 x 53 (centimeters, height x width)
This satirical map from Ken Magazine in 1938 attacks the commercial, cultural and military intrusion into South America by the “gangster governments” of Germany, Italy and Japan, “fascist mobsters” who have “muscled in.” Cartoon figures show details of the Axis activities in countries across the country.
Ken was a controversial anti-fascist publication that first appeared in April 1938. It was distinguished by unusual and powerful graphics like this one and provocative photos and articles, including reports on the Spanish Civil War by Ernest Hemingway. The magazine failed in August 1939 as a result of wariness by advertisers and a boycott by the Catholic Church. Baptista 2009, 109-115. For other maps in the collection from the magazine, Search > "Ken Magazine."
For another pictorial map raising the threat of fascist influence on South America in a more subtle manner, see ID #2468, "The Continent of South America", also published in 1938.