Sport in British Burmah, Assam and the Cassyah and Jyntiah Hills : with notes of sport in the hilly districts of the northern division, Madras presidency, indicating the best localities in those countries for sport, with natural history notes, illustrations of the people, scenery, and game, together with maps to guide the traveller or sportsman, and hints on weapons, fishing-tackle, etc., best suited for killing game met with in those provinces, vol.2
Sport in British Burmah, Assam and the Cassyah and Jyntiah Hills : with notes of sport in the hilly districts of the northern division, Madras presidency, indicating the best localities in those countries for sport, with natural history notes, illustrations of the people, scenery, and game, together with maps to guide the traveller or sportsman, and hints on weapons, fishing-tackle, etc., best suited for killing game met with in those provinces, vol.2