De Zieke reiziger, or, Rambles in Java and the Straits : in 1852
- Title:
- De Zieke reiziger, or, Rambles in Java and the Straits : in 1852
- Collection:
- Southeast Asia Visions
- Creator:
- Edwards, William
- Date:
- 1853
- Extent:
- 206 600dpi JPEG page images
- Publisher:
- Simpkin, Marshall and Co
- Publication Place:
- London
- Format:
- Book
- Contents:
- Front Matter
"Chapter I. : Author's Illness | Perpelxities of the Moofussil Doctors, and Simple Mode of Solving the Same | Journey to Calcutta | Embark on Board the Oriental and Peninsular Company's Steamer for Singapore | Bad Food on Board the Steamer | Singular Disease of a Fellow-Passenger | Arrival at Penang | Beautiful Scenery of the Island | Relative Temperature of the Hill and the Plain."
"Chapter II. : Arrival at Singapore | The New Harbour | Picturesque Appearance of the Town and Island as Seen from the Government Hill | Hotel and Boarding-Houses, Their Character, Style, and Charges | Singapore Palkies | Public Ball in Honour of the Queen's Birthday | Climate and Temperature of Singapore | Public Library and Reading-Room."
Chapter III. : Departure from Singapore | The Dutch Steamer 'Java' | Accommodation and Style of Living on Board | The Government Mail Agent and his Bride | The Passenger with only one ear | Rhio | Straits of Banca | Detention at Muitok | Run out of Coal | Arrival at Batavia.
"Chpater IV. : Batavia, Approach | Insalubrity | Hotels in Java | Dutch Cookery | Places of Public Amusement | Mode of Life at Batavia | European Portion of the Town, Comparative Salubrity | Singular Style of Dress of the Batavian Ladies | Morning Costime of the Gentlemen | Java Washermen. "
"Chpater V. : Travelling in Java | Cost of Post-Horses | How Procurable | Price of a Travelling-Carriage | Leave Batavia | The Bengal Ayah | Dinner at Government House | The Author Takes a Walk, Which Proves a Somewhat Longer one Than he had Recokened on | The Botanical Gardens at Buitenzorg."
"Chapter VI. : Leave Buitenzorg | Java Posting | Ascend the Megamendon | View from the top of the Pass Tjipanas | Reach Tjanjore | Hotel at that Place | Cross the Tjeetaram, and Arrive at Bandong the Montpelier of Java."
"Chapter VII. : Bangong, Neat and Cleanly Appearance of | Javanese Hats | Shops | Eating Booths | View of Bandong from the Outskirts of the Village | Mr. L---'s Tea Plantation | Nature of his Contract with the Government | Visit the Waterfall | Our Landlady | A Curious Passage in her Curious History | Conversation at the Table D'HOte | The Upas Tree."
"Chapter VIII. : Delightful Climate of Bandong | Abominable Diet, and Still More Adominable Cookery | Visit the Tea Plantations of Tjemboleyut | Lembang | Mr. Philippean's Coffee Establishment | Delicious Climate | The Revenue System in Java | Productive Power of the Coffee Plant | Estimate of Raffles too HIgh | Visit the Crater on the Yankerhan Prow | DIne with some Chinese Gentlemen | Madame Pfeiffer | Leave Bandong | Somadang, Description of | Arrive at Cheribon."
"Chapter IX. : Women of Cheribon | Hotels and Horses Deteriorate | Tagal | A Passengrand | The Bengal Ayah | The Regent of Tagal, Exchange Visits with | Visit the Tomb of the Susunan Tagalwangi | Dine with the Resident | Leave Tagal | Javanese Hospitality | Bomiajoe | JOurney to Banjoemas | Unhealthy Position of the Latter PLace | Edible Birds' Nests."
Chapter X. : Kubooman | A Native Review | Servile Deference of the Javanese to Superior Rank | A passage in the life of M. Di Sornai | The Governess in Distress | Arrival at Poorwaredjoe | Ladies Morning Costume | The Jail Government School | Arrival at Magelang.
"Chapter XI. : The Resident at Magelang, Uncourteous Conduct of | A Sunday in England and a Sunday in Java | Visit the Boro-Bodor and Mundoot Temples | Recent Discovery of the Latter | Leave Mageland | Detention in the Salatiga Jurisdiction | Courteous Behavious of the Resident of that District | Arrival at Salatiga | Hotel There."
"Chapter XII. : Determine to Leave Java | Cause of the Resolution | No Better Physician than a good Cook | Leave Salatiga for Samarang | Heat of the Latter Place | The Java Hotel | Drive Through the Town and Environs | A dutchman's Opinion of Java | Vast Resources of the Country yet to be Developed | Difficulty of Obtaining Means of Transport for the Produce | How Removeable | Probable results had the Island Remained a British Possession, and Probable Effects of a Change of System Under the Present Government. "
Chpater XIII. : Return to Batavia | The Steamer 'Koningen' | A Subaltern's Breakfast | Jealousy of Government Towards Strangers | Custom Houses | Passport System | Proprietary Right in the Soil Vested in the Sovereign Alone | Feudal Services | Taxes | Tax on the Transfer of Propety | Vegetable Productions | Indigenous Plants | Religion on the Javanese | Their HIndoo Origin.
"Chapter XIV. : The ""Bara Krama,"" or Language of Honour | Characterb of the Javanese | Suitableness of Java as a Place of Residence for the Indian Invalid | The Hotel Der Nederlanden | The Word ""Fashionable,"" its Application and Signification in Java | Hospitality of the English Residents at Batavia | Leave Java | The North Watch | The Steamer RUns Upona Rock | Standing DIsh for Breakfast on Board the 'Batavia' | Arrive at Singapore "
Chapter XV. : The Protestant Church at Singapore | Smallness of the Congregation | To What Cause Attributable | Fruits of the Straits | The Mangustin | The Durian | How to Drive a Pig to Market | Coolness of the Temperature in the Interior | Nutmegs as an Export | A Drive in a Singapore Palki | The 'Pekin' Steamer | Arrival at Penang.
Chapter XVI. : Mosquitoes | Mr. Portune's Mosquitoe Tobacco | The Penang Hill | The Lions of Penang | The Great Tree | Waterfall | Climate and Temperature of Penang Hill in the Month of September | A case of Amok | Products and Population of the Island.