The voyage of Francois Pyrard of Laval to the East Indies, the Maldives, the Moluccas and Brazil, v.1
- Title:
- The voyage of Francois Pyrard of Laval to the East Indies, the Maldives, the Moluccas and Brazil, v.1
- Collection:
- Southeast Asia Visions
- Creator:
- Payard, Francois
- Date:
- 1887
- Extent:
- 524 600dpi JPEG page images
- Publisher:
- Printed for the Hakluyt Society
- Publication Place:
- London
- Format:
- Book
- Contents:
- Front Matter
Voyage of Francois Pyrard -- First Part.
Chapter I. : Narrative of the Voyage from the Embarking at S. Malo to the Cape of Good Hope.
Chapter II. : Of the Capre of Good Hope and the Cape of the Needles.-Violent Storm on the Coast of Natal.
"Chapter III. : We anchor in St. Augustine's bay, at the island of St.Laurence. -Of our Landing and Long Sojourn there. -A description of the island, and of the manners and customs of the inhabitants."
"Chapter IV. : We touch at The Comorron Islands.-Our sojourn at the road there, and our agreeable refreshment."
"Chapter V. : Pitiable wreck of the ship ""Corbin"", wherein the author was, on the reefs of the Maldives.-How the men were saved at an island with much trouble, and the miseries endured by them."
"Chapter VI. : What happened to the men who were saved from the ""Corbin"", and the miseries they endured."
"Chapter VII. : Arrival of a lord bearing the king's commission to the island of Paindoue, who at length takes the author back with him."
"Chapter VIII. : Arrival of the author at the island of Male, where he saulates the king.- The putting to death of four Frenchmen for attempting to escape.-Arrival of his companions, and the reasons which prevented the king from sneding them to Sumatra."
"Chapter IX. : Grievous sickness of the author, which left him in evil plight.- Escape of four Flemings, and the ill-favour of the king towards those who remained."
"Chapter X. : Description of the Maldive island, of their situation, and the people who inhabit them."
"Chapter XI. : Of the religion of the inhabitants of the Maldives, and the ceremonies which they observe."
"Chapter XII. : More of their ceremonies, -at betrothals and weddings, at obsequies and funerals."
"Chapter XIII. : Of the form of their apparel, of their manner of living, ordinary exercises, and other peculiar customs which they observe in their conduct."
"Chapter XIV. : Form of the government of the state, of the magistrates, of justice and the laws."
"Chapter XV. : Orders of the people, -of the nobility, the great offices and dignities, and their rank."
"Chapter XVI. : Of the king's palace, -a description of it; of his manner of life, and of the queens, his wives."
"Chapter XVII. : Of the revenues of the king, money, traffic, and commerce of the Maldives; and of the merchandise imported and exported."
"Chapter XVIII. : Curiosity of the Maldive king.- His geneology.- Political changes at the islands.- The king's wives, and other matters."
"Chapter XIX. : The Maldives, when peopled.-Of many other memorable events which occurred at the islands and in the neighbourhood, during the sojourn of the author there.- Of a vessel of Tananor, and the story of a Malabar captain's dealing with the Maldive king, and his hapless fate ; and the adventures of the king's nephew and brother-in-law."
Chater XX. : Accidents and casualties to the ships at the Maldives.-Arrival of Hollanders.-A wandering Jew.- A captain of Mogor and his adventures ; and of some ships wrecked there.
Chapter XXI. : Of a captured Portuguese vessel that was wrecked. -An ambassador from the king of the Maldive Islands. -A vessel of Achen. - A Malay native. - A maldive confession. - The discovery of a strange islands ; and other events.
"Chapter XXII. : Divers judgments passed for adultery, lewdness, and other crimes.- Amorous humour of the Indian women.- Of the Grand Pandiare ; and the strange resolution of a Mulatto."
"Chapter XXIII. : Of the evpedition of the king of Bengal to the Maldives.- The taking of Male island.- Death of the Maldive king, and voyage of the author to Bengal, with a description of the island of Malicut and Divandurou."
"Chapter XXIV. : The kingdom of Bengal, and some observations thereon."
"Chapter XXV. : Voyage to Calecut by way of Moutingue, Badara, and Marquaire; also concerning the famous captain Cogni-aly."
"Chapter XXVI. : Arrival of the author of Calecut, and a description of that kingdom.- The king and people : their manners, religion, and ways of life."
"Chapter XXVII. : More of Calecut.- Classes of the pople : Bramenis, Nairs, Moucois, and others, and characteristics of the country."
"Chapter XXVIII. : Of the kingdoms of Chaly, Tananor, and Cochin.- Imprisonment of the author, and other occurrences."
Chapter XXIX. : Voyage from Cochin to Goa.- Of the kingdom of Cananor and the estate of the Malabars.- An accident which happened to the author.