Acts Passed by the Legislature, Republic of Liberia During the Sessions: 1912-13, 1913-14
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Acts and Resolutions
- Acts Passed by The Legislature Of The Republic Of Liberia, During The Session 1912-1913. Published by Authority. Monrovia: Liberia, Government Printing Office, 1913.
- An Act repealing the Retrenchment Act, approved January 31st, A. D. 1912.
- Joint Resolution respecting the closing of Brice Street and Hall Street, at Harper in the County of Maryland.
- Joint Resolution granting to Theodore Vallery Cummings twenty acres of land in the County of Grand Bassa, for a Normal and Industrial School.
- Joint Resolution Incorporating the Soko Club No. 1. Cape Palmas, Liberia.
- Joint Resolution Incorporating the Lone Star Lodge No. 5. Independent Order of Good Templars.
- An Act Amendatory to an Act entitled an Act Amendatory and Supplementary to the existing Acts regulating taxes within the the public of Liberia passed, and approved January 30th, 1912.
- An Act Amendatory to an Act approved January 18th, 1912 entitled, “An Act stipulating how Concessions and Franchises shall be obtained in the Republic of Liberia."
- Joint Resolution incorporating the Glasgow Company No. 2. Kroo- town, Monrovia.
- Joint Resolution Removing Associate Justice A. J. Woods, from office.
- Joint Resolution Restoring Thomas H. Ricks to Citizenship.
- An Act Amendatory to an Act Relating to the Judiciary passed and approved December 7 th 1911.
- Joint Resolution incorporating the Grand United Order of Prince of the Universe Lodge.
- Joint Resolution granting Mrs. E. R. Deianey, of Montserrado County, Twenty acres of land situated at Sucnh in the section of Arthington in Montserrado County for a Missionary, Industrial, and Educational Institution.
- Joint Resolution making an appropriation for the publication of the Revised Statutes of the Republic now in the possession of the Lawyers Co-operate Publishing Company, Rochester, New York, U. S. A.
- Joint Resolution granting to Dr. H. H. Jones of Montserrado County twenty-five acres of land located in the rear of Royesville, at a place known as Clay Liberia; for Missionary industrial, and Educational instructions.
- An Act Relating to Jurors.
- Joint Resoluticn granting to Mrs. Arteries Bernard, Widow of the late Francis Bernard, on Annuity.
- Joint Resolution Providing for the Erection of a Public House in the Government Square in the City of Buchanan, Grand Bassa County.
- An Act Requiring the Treasurers of the several Cities, and Townships of the Republic, of Liberia to Report to the Secretary of the Treasury of the Republic of Liberia.
- Joint Resolution Incorporating The Try Best Company of Kroo Town, Monrovia, Montserrado County.
- An Act withdrawing from certain Ports the right of Entry setting forth a complete list of Ports on the coast of this Republic as from April 1, 1913.
- An Act Restoring Alfred M. Davis, of Montserrado County back to Citizenship.
- An Act withdrawing from certain Ports the right of Entry, and setting forth a complete list of Ports on the coast of this Republic from April 1, 1918.
- An Act declaring the Duty to be assessed on Essences of Life.
- Joint Resolution to provide Customs patrol on land and on Sea.
- Joint resolution Granting James A. Tuning of Mortserrado County, Fifty Acres of land located in Sasstown, Sinoe County, Liberia, for Mission, Industrial and Educational Institutions.
- Joint Resolution relating to the operation of the Receivership.
- An act changing the terms of the Supreme court.
- An Act altering and amending the Charter of the City of Monrovia.
- Joint Resolution restoring one Morveenh of the Settlement, of Johnsonville, of Montserrado County to Citizenship.
- Joint Resolution fixing the Jay of adjournment.
- An Act to provide for the Registration and Classification of the Domestic Debt of the Republic of Liberia.
- LAWS OF 1912-13
- LAWS OF 1912-13
- Index
- Acts Passed by The Legislature Of The Republic Of Liberia, During The Session 1913-1914. Published by Authority. Monrovia: Liberia, Government Printing Office, 1914.
- JOINT RESOLUTION to Repeal the Navy Tax Act approved February 6th, 1907.
- JOINT RESOLUTION restoring Charles A. Hedd of Brewerville Montserrado County to citizenship.
- Joint Resolution for the Protection of Young Infant Children.
- Joint Resolution Amending the Charter of Eureka Lodge No. 127, United Brothers of Friendship of Greenville Sinoe County.
- Joint Resolution Incorporating The Sisters of Benevolence, No 1 of Lexington, Sinoe County.
- Joint Resolution Incorporating the B. V. Richard's Lodge No. 135 U. B. F. Lexington Sinoe County.
- An act providing for the retirement of the registered floating debt of the Republic, being an Act Amendatory and Supplementary to an ‘‘Act to provide for the Registration and classification of the Domestic Debt of the Republic of Liberia approved January 25th, 1918.”
- An Act to define the Property, Qualification of any person Who may become a Judge.
- Joint Resolution fixing the Salaries of the Vice-President and members of the National Legislature of the Republic of Liberia and the President's Cabinet.
- Joint Resolution fixing the time for the Meating of the National Legislature.
- Joint Resolution forbidding The Importation or Landing of Artillery into the Republic of Liberia.
- An Act authorizing the President of Liberia to appoint a commission of three persons to revise the Criminal Code of Liberia and formulate a Criminal. Civil and Admiralty Code of proeeedure for the Courts of Liberia.
- Joint Resolution authorizing the survey for the construction of Canal connecting the Hoffman and Cavalla River in Maryland unity, Republic of Liberia.
- Joint Resolution Restoring Manson H. Ginlock of Sione County to Citizenship.
- JOINT RESOLUTION Granting unto Josiah S. Mitchell Ex- Commissioner of the District of River-Cess, the Amount of Fifty dollars ( $ 50.00) for two months service rendered in said office.
- An Act providing for the protection of the farmers and all citizen; of the Republic engaged in farming arid in making materials of various kinds for home use in the Republic.
- Joint Resolution incorporating the Apostolic Church of Kru Town, Monrovia.
- An Act providing for uniform rules of practise in all of the Circuit Courts of this Republic
- An Act providing for the appointment f Commissioners of Election.
- An Act amendatory to an Act relating to Embrezzlement.
- An Act amending an Act Incorporating the Liberian Produce Company, Limited.
- An Act providing for the Registration of all Banking Institutions that are now or which may hereafter be operating in Liberia and requiring them to pay a License.
- Joint Resolution dividing the Settlement of Louisiana, Montserrado County.
- Joint Resolution Incorporating the “Niger Company of Krutown” Montserrado County.
- Joint Resolution Incorporating the J. S. Dennis Lodge No. 136 U. D. F. and S. M. T. Robertsport, Territory of Grand Cape Mount.
- Joint Resolution Creating a Harbor, Dock and Light Board.
- An Act Incorpating the Caroline Donovan Normal and Indus trial Institute.
- Joint Resolution incorporating the Benevolent Gecroh Relief Association No. 1, of Greenville Sinoe County.
- Joint Resolution Restoring William Warner of Millsburg, Montsserado County to Citizenship.
- An Act Changing the Terms of the Supreme Court.
- Index