Acts Passed by the Legislature, Republic of Liberia During the Sessions: 1910-11, Call Session 1911
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Acts and Resolutions
- Acts Passed by The Legislature Of The Republic Of Liberia, During The Session 1910-1911. Published by Authority. Monrovia: R.A.. PRHILLIPS, CHIEF PRINTER, Government Printing Office, 1911.
- Joint Resolution respecting the shipment of Goods from one port to another by means of Transires.
- Joint Resolution granting Malvina Maddan of Maryland County an Annuities.
- Joint Resolution pensioning several persons in Grand Bassa County.
- An Act Granting Annuities to Ex Presidents of (the Republfc of Liberia.
- Joint Resolution Granting an annuity to Mrs Pauline L. Gibson widow ot the late ex President G. W Gibson of the City ol Monrovia, County of Montserrado.
- Joint Resolution Pensioning Prince Albert Forde of Sinoe County.
- Joint Resolution Amendatory to a Joint Resolution authorizing the building of Jails in Monrovia, and Grand Bassa County, approved February 1st 1906
- An Act Amendatory to an Act permitting Foreign individuals or Firms irrespective of nationality, established at any of the regular Ports of Entry of this Republic to trade interiorward or coastwise beyound ports of Entry. Passed by the Legislature during the session of 1903-1910.
- Joint Resolution reimbursing Mrs. O. D. Thomson of Maryland County.
- Joint Resolution granting William H. Thomas and G. D. Gayle representatives of the Lott Carey Foreign Mission Board of Richmond U. S. A. certain parcel of land in the County of Montserrado for General Missionary work.
- Joint Resolution granting a pension to Daniel Moore of Clay- Ashland Montserrado County.
- Joint Resolution reimbursing sundry persons for public services rendered the Government in the County of Grand Bassa.
- Joint Resolution approving the Decision of the Special Commissioners appointed by the Presidont of the Republic of Liberia to settle the recent Rebellion of the Cape Palmas Nyemowei Grebo Tribe and their allies in Maryland County.
- Joint Resolution authorizing the President of the Republic of Liberia to give out the contract of the equipment of the Bolobo Road with a light Railway-Locomotive and appliances.
- Joint Resolution restoring James Wesley Yates of Maryland County to Citizen-ship.
- Joint Resolution reimbursing W. H. Johnsor, Jr. of Montserrado County.
- Joint Resolution authorizing the lease of certain lands in Maryland County.
- An Act for Classifying and Verifying The Internal Debt of the Republic of Liberia.
- Joint Resolution extending the term of the Liberian Rubber Company to 1932, and conferring certain rights.
- Joint Resolution granting the German South American Telegraph Company of Cologne, Germany, the right to establish, and operate a System of Wireless Telegraph Communication within and from the Territory of the Republic of Liberia.
- Joint Resolution pensioning the heirs of Jonah Randall of Montserrado County.
- Joint Resolution respecting the Enterprise Mining Company of Grand Bassa County.
- Joint Resolution reimbursing Arthur Barclay of Montserrado County.
- Joint Resolution declaring Kinnicardy in Pickaninicess in the County of Maryland, a Port of Entry.
- Joint Resolution approving the action of the President, interdicting Settra Kru, Little Kru, Wah and other allied tribes in the County of Sinoe.
- Joint Resolution relating to Head Money on native laborers going out of country.
- Joint Resolution granting the German South American Telegraph Company of Cologne, the rights to establish and operate a system of Telphone communication in the City of Monrovia and elsewhere in the Republic of Liberia.
- Joint Resolution, Supplementary to a Joint Resolution, granting the German South American Telegraph Company of Cologne the bright to establish and operate a system of Telephone communication in the City of Monrovia and elsewhere in the Republic of Liberia.
- Joint Resolution respecting the property of the late Frederick Grant escheated to the Government of Liberia.
- Joint Resolution amending a Joint Resolution governing foreign Companies and Corporations their goods and effects going to and returning from the Interior of Liberia.
- Joint Resolution Granting Eliza Anderson widow of the late B. J. K. Anderson of Montserrado County an annuity,
- Joint Resolution Pensioning Stephen King of Grand Bassa County
- Joint Resolution pensioning several persons of Maryland County.
- Joint Resolution pensioning several persons of Montserrado County.
- Joint Resolution incorporating the Good Will Temperance Lodge No. 1 of Edina, Grand Basse County.
- Joint Resolution granting to Messrs, Benakis, Makrides, and Andronicos, general contractors of the Transvaal Mining Company of United South Africa, the exclusive right to ship laborers from the Counties of Sinoe and Maryland to the Transvaal only.
- An Act amendatory, to An Act, entitled "An Act providing for a Navy Tax” passed into Law and approved February 6th, 1907.
- Joint Resolution pensioning several persons in Montserrado County.
- Joint Resolution restoring Wilson Slight Jr., and Isom Green both of the Settlement of Brewerville, Montserrado County to citizenship.
- Joint Resolution restoring Charles M. Wilson of Montserrado County to Citizenship.
- Joint Resolution pensioning Frank A. Grimes of Montserrado County.
- Joint Resolution granting pensions to various persons in the Republic.
- Joint Resolution pensioning James Harrison and J. M. Crawford, of Montserrado County.
- Joint Resolution living the day of adjournment of the Fourth Session of the Thirty First Legislature of the Republic of Liberia.
- Joint Resolution pensioning James Woods of Grand Bassa County.
- Joint, Resolution disposing of Hoffman Station, Big Town, Wuduke, Puduke, and Bubetor ; the sites formerly held and occupied by the Cape Palmas Tribes in Maryland County.
- An Act incorporating the Coast and Hinterland Railroad Company.
- Index
Acts Passed by The Legislature Of The Republic Of Liberia, During The Session 1911. Published by Authority. Monrovia: R.A.. PRHILLIPS, CHIEF PRINTER, Government Printing Office, 1911.
- An act supplementary and amendatory to the loan act of nineteen and eleven and the resolution amendatory thereto, approved.
- JOINT RESOLUTION fixing the Salary of the General Receiver of Customs. IT IS
- JOINT RESOLUTION making an appropriation for the Extra Session of the National Legislature of Liberia November 1911.