Acts Passed by the Legislature, Republic of Liberia During the Sessions: 1900-01, 1901-02
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Acts and Resolutions
- Acts Passed by The Legislature Of The Republic Of Liberia, During The Session 1900-1901. Published by Authority. Monrovia: T.W. HOWARD,- PRINTER, Government Printing Office, 1901.
- Joint Resolution restoring G. W. Diggs of Maryland County to citizenship.
- Joint Resolution aiding the citizens of Jackville in the [?]tion of their Block House
- Joint Resolution repealing a Joint Resolution closing, the Port of Entry and Delivery at River Cess, Grand Bassa County, approved January 26th 1900.
- Joint Resolution the Port of Entry and Delivery at River Grand Bassa County is hereby declared re- opened in a[ccord?] with and under the original Act making and declaring the [?] River Cess to be a Port of Entry.
- Joint Resolution incorporating ????Bassa Count. Republic of Liberia.
- Joint Resolution respecting certain name tribes of [?] To the County of Maryland, Republic of Liberia.
- Joint Resolution incorporating tlie Methodist Episcopal Church at Fortsville. Grand Bassa County. Republic of Liberia.
- Hoint Resolution Incorporating the African Methodist Episcopal Church at Lower Buchanan, (Grand Bassa County. Republic ot Liberia.)
- Joint Resolution Chartering the Methodist Episcopal Church of [Edi?] Grand Bassa County.
- Joint Resolution with respect to the [?] Concession.
- An Act amendatory to an Act to revive an Act reorganizing the [S..?] Court of the Republic of Liberia.
- Joint Resolution providing for the filling of the Presidential ???, in case of the removal the President and Vice President from office or their death, resignation or inability to discharge the powers and duties of said offices.
- Joint Resolution regulating the admission of lawyers as Counsellors of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Liberia.
- An Act incorporating the Union Mining Company of Liberia.
- A Resolution forbidding private warfare and for other purposes.
- An Act to prevent the crime of Poison and use of witchcraft and conjuration.
- An Act levying a Poll tax every voting citizen for Educational purposes.
- An amendatory Act relating to smuggling.
- An amendatory Act, relating to Malicious Injuries.
- An Act to amend the School law of the Reoublie of Liberia.
- Joint Resolution granting an Annuity to Clement Irons.
- An Act amendanry to an Act relating to Petit Larceny.
- Joint Resolution respteting [menits?] arising form the shipment of Kroo boys within the Republic ol Liberia.
- An Act preventing the trial by mixed juries within this Republic.
- Joint Resolution reimbursing the ex Mayor, officers and other persons holding just claims against the City Corporation of Harper at the time of the revoking of its charter by Act January 5th 1901.
- Joint Resolution supplementary and amendatory to a Joint Resolution requiring the Secretary of State to supply certain officers with the Acts of the Sessions of 1899 to 1900.
- An Act to foster skilled labor and to afford the means of a common school education to youths whose necessities compel?? them to work during the day.
- A Joint Resolution directing that the Customs give bond and security.
- Joint Resolution fixing an Export duty on Water oil. or catable oil.
- Joint Resolution fixing the Day of [adju?] of the second of the Twenty seventh Legislation.
- Joint Resolution declaring war against all of the Native Chiefs within the County of Montser? do and Teiritory of Grand Cape Mount, who are in hostility against the Government of the Republic of Liberia.
- An Act respecting Juries
- An Act relating to Resident Foreigners.
- An Act relating to Justices of the Peace.
- Joint Resolution incorporating the Ethiopian Order of Temperance of the County of Montserrado.
- Joint Resolution respecting the survey and plotting of farm lands at Ackersville, Cape Mount and for the survey and plotting of farm lands between said settlement and Wattsville? on the north of the mountain, including all lands between Wattsville and Robertsport on the northern slope of said mountain.
- Joint Resolution concerning the sale of guns, powder, swords and other arms and munitions of war.
- Joint Resolution providing for a special Commission to investigate the Commercial State of foreign Merchats and traders in the Republic of Liberia and to suggest any measures it may deem necessary, looking to a more liberal trade policy.
- A Joint Resolution providing for the establishment of a [Fishery?].
- Joint Resolution respecting the Coffee of Liberia.
- Joiut Resolution incorporating the Reform Society of [Paln?].
- Joint Resolution to [?] Transportation along the Coast, on the St. Paul and other Rivers of Liberia.
- An Act organizing a Local Board at Trade in the County of Maryland.
- An Act Chartering the city of Ropertsport, Territory of Grand [C? Mount] Montserrado County.
- Acts Passed by The Legislature Of The Republic Of Liberia, During The Session 1901-1902. Published by Authority. Monrovia: R.A.. PRHILLIPS, CHIEF PRINTER, Government Printing Office, 1902.
- An Act transferring the rights of the Union Mining Company, to the Government of Liberia.
- Joint Resolution incorporating the Independent Order of Good [P..?] Providerce Lodge number 1 of Lower Buchanan, Grand Bassa County.
- An Act repealing an Act repeating Retrenchment.
- Joint Resolution restoring William Kennedy to the rights of citizen - snip.
- Joint Resolution granting an annuity to James H. Hughes of Grand Bassa County.
- Joint Resolution restoring Jas T. Bell. G. W. Hardy, David Sansey and C. H. Melntosh of Maryland County, to citizenship.
- Joint Resolution restoring James W. Williams of Maryland County Cape Palmas to all the rights of citizenship.
- Joint Resolution making apprepriation for the Inaguaration of the President and Vice President.
- An Act respecting a portion of the Act entitled An Act [respeacting?] the Tariff, and amending the Act approved January 18th 1897.
- An Act repealing an Act entitled An Act granting Town Lots on Big Town Hill to the citizens in Maiylancl County passed and approved January 16, 1868.
- An Act Repealing an Act Amendatory to an Act reorganizing the Supreme Court of the Republic of Liberia.
- Joint Resolution establishing a Medical Department in Liberia College.
- Joint Resolution granting the Citizens of Hoffman Station amd Harper in the County of Maryland, aid in building a bridge.
- Joint Resolution granting a Patent right to J. H. Hughes and J.H. Wilkins of Grand Bassa County for the manufacture of a substance styled " Vegetable Ivory.”
- Joint Resolution incorporating the Methodist Episcopal Church in the rear of Gareysburg, Pessy Station.
- Joint Resolution granting to James D. Harly who [?] Legislature showing that he was possed of a War [?] Thrirsty Acres of Land (30) which was destroyed by the [?] house in consequence of which he has not been [?] to draw Lant.
- An Act Amendatory to an Act fixing the Salary of Members of the Legislature passed and approved A. D. 1874.
- loint Resolution Supplementary and amendatory to the duties of the several Land Co?missioiners and Surveyors of the several towns and villages of the several Counties and Territory of the Republic of Liberia.
- Joint Resolution incorporating the “Hope of Royesville Lodge. [?] 1907 Grand United Order of Odd Fellows” of the County of Montserrado.
- Joint Resolution pensioning D. W. Worrell, Montserrrado County.
- Joint Resolution Authorizing the Executive Government to negotiate [or?] and purchase a suitable [Gunbout?] for the protection of the Revenue
- Joint Resolution amendatory to the several existing resolutions regulating the title and privileges of the Native African Representative in the National Legislature of this Republic, approved January 8 1883-4.
- Joint Resolution giving a protect right to the Aboriginal Natives of the Republic of Liberia who have not been Registered or, of whom census has not been taken and for the better collection of the Poll or head Tax.
- Joint Resolution granting an [Annum?] [?] One thousand dollars per year for five years, to the Saint Pauls River Industrial School Montserrado Counry.
- Joint Resolution incorporating the True Liberian Lodge No. 5185 Grand United Order of Odd Fellows of the County of Grand Bassa.
- Joint Resolution respecting Light, Anechorage and Tonnage dues.
- An Act renewing and amending the Charter of the City of [Harper?] Maryland County, passed and approved December 27. 1879.
- Joint Resolution reimbursing Gilbert Deans of Montserrado County.
- Joint Resolution restoring John Anderson of Montserrado County to citizenship.
- Joint Resolution respecting the Superintendents of the several districts and territories within the Republic.
- Joint Resolution requiring the Secretary of the Treasury to pay certain claims hell by Mrs. M.A. Cheeseman of Grand Bassa County.
- Joint Resolution incorporating the Young People's Intellectual Association of Brewerville Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia.
- Joint Resolution Pensioning Henry W. Bivens of Clay-Ashland Montserrado County.
- Joint Resolution providing for the appointment of an Embassy to bear the congratulations of the Republic of Liberia to His Poyal Majesty King Edward the seventh of England on the occasion of his Coronation to take place at London, on the 26th of June, 1902:
- Joint Resolution fixing the day of [Adjcument?] of the First Session of the Twenty Eighth Legislature of the Republic of Liberia.
- Joint Resolution in relation to Books for Public Schools.
- Joint Resolution, Pensioning Mary Bush of Maryland County
- Joint Resolution granting the Citizens of Greensville and Louisianna in Sinoe County, Republic of Liberia, And to clean out Congo creeks bewteen the City of Greensville and the settlement of Louisiana.
- Joint Resolution reimbursing W. H Morris of Sinoe County.
- Joint Resolution creating an Inspector and Overseer of Public Buildings and Public works generally, in the Counties Of Grand Bassa, Sinoe and Maryland whenever the President deems it necessary. The functions of said office in Montserrado County shall be exercised by the Secretary of the Treasury.
- Joint Resolution establishing a Sliding Scale for the payment of the Liberian Rubber Syndicate, in accordance with market prices in England.
- Joint Resolution Pensioning Jehn Hoff of Robertsport Montserrado County.
- Joint Resolution to encourage Immigration.
- Joint Resolution granting the Citizens of Saint John's River, Grand Bassa County, aid to build (2) Two Bridges,—one across Zeohn's Creek and the otner across Dover's Creek.
- Joint Resolution granting to the Protestant Episcopal Mission in the County of Maryland, the use of one Town Lot or parcel of Land for Mission purposes.
- Joint Resolution authorizing the Secretary of War to have filled up the guns [ordinance?] in the several Counties, and to distribute 'the guns of the “Rocktown ' and [“Crorronanuah?"].
- Joint Resolution authorizing the con-truction of a Pier at Grand Bassa County.
- Joint Resolution: respecting [?ade. ]
- Joint Resolution concerning Government Guns, and Ammunitions of War.
- Joint Resolution renewing the Pension of William Page. Pavnesville, Montserrado County.
- An Act amendatory and supplementary to an Act approved February 1st 1900, authorizing the census of the inhabitants to he taken in each township.
- An Act amendatory and supplementary to an Act entitled an Act authorizing a permanent Port of Entry and Delivery at the month of Mannali River. Montserrado County, approved January 11, 1886.
- An Act Amendatory to an Act entitling in Act relating to Divorce.
- An Act Repealing the Charter of the City of Greenville, Sinoe County.
- An Act relating to Justices of the Peace and City Magistrates.
- A Joint Resolution Relative to the Excelsior Mining Company of Maryland County; and the Enterprising Mining; Company of Grand Bassa.
- An Act to encourage Immigration.
- Joint Resolution for Buildind a wall around Providence Island in the Countv of Montserrado in the Republic of Liberia.