Acts Passed by the Legislature, Republic of Liberia During the Sessions: 1895-96, 1896-97
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Acts and Resolutions
- Acts Passed by The Legislature Of The Republic Of Liberia, During The Session 1895-1896. Published by Authority. Monrovia: T.W. HOWARD,- PRINTER, Government Printing Office. 1896
- Joint Resolution incorporating the Bridge Association ot the Settlements of White Plains, Crozerville, Bensouvillc and Careysburg in iContsenado County.
- Joint Resolution incorporating Saint Paul's Baptist Church, Arthington, in the County of Montserrado, Republic of Liberia.
- Joint Resolution extending the time for all persons holding War Certificates within the Rebublic.
- An Act empowering the President to designate by Public Procialamation the limits of townships not already defined.
- Joint Resolution providing for a Criminal Code.
- An Act granting Charles Williams Meiter, his associates, or assigns the right to establish a Bank within this Republic with special privileges
- An Act creating a Native African Bureau, and Supplementing “An Act authorizing the appointment of Shipping Masters at the several ports of Entry in Liberia. ”
- Joint Resolution granting 10 Acres of land in fee simple to each male member of the Cape Palmas Tribe in Maryland County.
- Joint Resolution removing H. C. Birch, Judge of the Monthly and Probate Court of Sinoe County.
- Joint Resolution.
- An Act defining the duties of the Postmaster General.
- Joint resolution authorizing the coming of Twenty-five thousand Dollars in Copper and Silver coin.
- An Act providing for the Registration of Partnership Deeds, and the Articles of Association of Public Companies working witliin the Republic of Liberia.
- An Act amending the Acts chartering Liberia College
- An Act granting a Road right or right of Way and other lands to the American Colonization Society and the New York State Colonization Society
- An Act to repeal a portion of An Act entitled An Act to amend the Acts establishing the Judiciary nnd fixing the powers and jurisdiction of the several Courts, passed and approved January 14. 1895,
- An Act amendatory and supplementory to the several existing Military Acts.
- An Act amending the "Act" defining the duties of the Post Master General.
- Joint Resolution repealing An Act passed by the legislature a uproved January ‘21. 1890, granting a Concession to F F Whitekin and also repealing an Act extending the time for said Concession Approved January 8. 1S04.
- An Act granting certain lands in Grand Bassa County to the American Colonisation Society.
- Joint Resolution for the relief of the several counties of this Republic.
- Joint Resolution Declaring Little Rassa in the County of Grand Bassa, a Port of Entry and Delivery
- An Act granting a Concession to construct, work nd maintain Railways, telegraphs and Telphone lines in the Republic of Liberia.
- Joint Resolution repealing all that part of the 3rd section of tae Act entitled an Act fixing a Tariff on Goods. Wares and Merchandise imported into and on Produce exported from the Republic of Liberia, approved January 28 1896 referring to “Fees" of Foreign Consuls for certification of Invoices.
- An Act making appropriations for the fiscal year beginning the first day of October 1895 and ending September 30th 1896.
- Acts Passed by The Legislature Of The Republic Of Liberia, During The Session 1896-1897. Published by Authority. Monrovia: T.W. HOWARD,- PRINTER, Government Printing Office. 1897
- An Act chartering the Enterprise Mining ' Company of Grand Bassa County.
- Joint Resolution incorporating Unity Lodge No. 96 of the Order of United Brothers of Friendship of Brewerxille, Montserrado County.
- An Act Incorporating the First Presbyterian Church Schiefflin.
- A Joint Resolution requiring the Secretary of War and Navy to despatch tho Gorronammah to the coast in order to carry the Guns, Port Lights, and Gatlins with ammunition fcr the same.
- Joint Resolution restoring James M. Curd of the city of Monrovia, in the County ot Montserrado to citizenship.
- Joint Resolution granting one hundred acres of land in the settlement of Brewerville, to the American National Raptist Foreign Mission Board for Missionary purposes.
- Joint Resolution restoring John W. Howard of Maryland County to citizenship.
- Joint Resolution restoring sundry persons to citizenship.
- Joint Resolution authorizing the President to secue the services of Messers Thomas J. Faulikner J.B. Dennis and Clement Irens for teaching the art of Engineering and other branches of Industry, to 16 youths of this Republic.
- Joint the Resolution providing additional Election Polls to be opened in the County of Maryland.
- Joint Resolution granting five hundred acres ???d in Montserrado County as a donation to Rev. Paulus Moort and Trustees for and in behalf of the Female Training and educational Institution of Liberia.
- An Act incorporating the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows Farmers Link Lodge No. 3.451 in the settlement of Clay-Ashland, St Paul's River, in the County of Monterrado.
- An Act granting the Episcopal Mission Twenty Acres of land at Cape Mount and Fifty Acres of land in the County of Maryland.
- An Act to amend all that part of the Joint Resolution passed January 28th 1896 referring to the fees allowed Liborlan Consuls for the verification of invoices.
- An Act amending the comage Act approved January 1896
- Joint Resolution approving the special bonds given by the Secretary of the Treasury to the East African Company during the year 1890 with respect to the Sinoe war and for other purposes.
- Joint Resolution granting One Thousand Acres of land to the First Presbyterian Church Careysburg Montserrado County.
- Joint Resolution better defining the duties of the Commissaries of the Counties of Grand Bassa, Smoe and Maryland.
- Joint Resolution directing the Government of Liberia to grant a Mining Concession in the County of Grand Bassa, to A. Meikle on the terms settled by the Executive Government.
- A Joint Resolution for the better protection of Native African laborers.
- An Act fixing a duty on Piassava:
- An Act requirng the Superintendents of the several counties, and the Wharfingers to give Bond and fixing the alaries of the said Wharfingers within this Republic, and placing the several Collectors of Customs and Whatfingers upon the General Civil List.
- Joint Resolution authorizing the President to erect or cause to be erected suitable Block-houses in the Interior or any part of this Republic whenever it is necessary.
- An Act respecting Revenue and Commerce.
- Joint Resolution incorporating F. Bernard's Hotel, Monrovia Liberia.
- Joint Resolution making Constables and all fee officers responsible for any unlawful detaining of parties who tender cost in Legal tender etc., etc.
- A Joint Resolution granting William St----y a Deed For the two hundred acres of land in lieu of the one burned.
- Joint Resolution incorporating the Knignts of Pythias
- Joint Resolution granting an annuity to Alexander Mars of Paynesville, Monteserrado County.
- An Act to incorporate the First Presbyterian Church Careysburg, Montserrado County.
- An Act with respect to tha local debt of the several counties.
- An Act providing for the survey and establishment of permanent agricultural settlements at Cavalla and along the western side of the Cavalla River in the County of Maryland.
- An Act Amendatory to the Act respecting the Navy Tax.
- An Act supplementary to the existing Acts regulating the Postal Service of this Republic.
- An Act to incorporate the Liberian Land Developement Company.
- Article I
- Article II
- Article III
- Article ??
- Joint Resolution pensioning Lieut. Colonel A.M. Jackson of the County of Montserrado.
- Joint Resolution authorising negotiation for the payment of the English loan of 187[1] the same having accumulated interest with principal now exceeding one million dollars.
- An Act chartering the "Union Mining Company" of Grand Bassa County.
- Joint Resolution requiring defaulting Officers to make good the amounts of their deficits.
- Joint Resolution providing for the Delimitation of the frontier between the Liberian territory and the French possessions contigious thereto.
- Joint Resolution impowering the Executive Government of Liberia to enter into negotiation for ttio establishment of a Banking institution within this Republic.
- A Joint Resolution autherizing the Secretary of the Treasure to A. Blackledge seventy five dollars in lieu of audited bills held by him.
- Joint Resolution granting an annuity of one thousand dollars for […] To Ricks Institu[t]e.
- Joint Resolution authorizing the President to approve War Cert […] of the Superintendent of the several Counties of […]
- Joint Resolution to incorporate Zephus' Lodge of the grand United, Order of Odd Fellows No. 1069 Brewerville Montserrado County.
- An Act providing for the conversion of Audited Bills and scripts part of the floating debt of this Republic into Bonds.
- Joint Resolution authorizing the disposition of the Old Colonial Government square in West Harper, County ot Maryland, and the erection of a suitable government building on Big Town bill County afore said.
- An Act defining the extent of Ports of Entry.
- Joint Resolution providing for the granting of alletments?? of public lands to the Vevs, Days, Queahs Mambales and Galahs, living in proximately to the civilized settlements of Montserrado Countv.
- An Act altering and amending the Charter of the City of Buchanan approved January 13, 1891.
- Joint Resolution amendatory to the Act and supplementary to the several Military Acts approved January 20, 1896.
- Joint Resolution incorporating Live Stock Company of Careysburg Montserrado County.
- An Act making appropriations for tlio Fiscal year beginin<r the fir- day of October A. D. 1896, and ending September SOih 1897.
- An Act making appropriations for the Fiscal year beginning the first ?? Day of October A. D. 1896, and ending September 30th 1897.
- General Civil List
- Montserrado County
- Grand Bassa County
- Sinoe County
- Maryland County