Acts Passed by the Legislature, Republic of Liberia During the Sessions: 1857-1861 [Sessions 1857-58]
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Acts and Resolutions
- Acts Passed By The Legislature, Republic Of Liberia During The Sessions 1857-1861, Inclusive.
- Act Passed By The Legislature of The Republic Of Liberia, During The sessions 1857-1869, Inclusive.
- An Act Supplementary To an Act, Entitled an Act Providing For a national Fair.
- An Act for the Punishment of Larceny.
- An Act Constituting a Monthly and Probate and Register's Department at Robertsport.
- An Act Providing for The Repairs of Public Buildings in the County of Maryland.
- It is Enacted by The Senate and House of Representatives of the Republic of Liberia in Legislature Assembled.
- An Act Regulating the Establishment and Transportation of Emigrants.
- An Act Restoring Thornton Belton to the rights and privileges of Citizenship.
- An Act providing for a National Fair.
- A Resolution providing for the issuing of two thousand dollars in Engraved Bills.
- Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Republic of Liberia in Legislature Assembled:
- An Act providing for the relief of Nancy A. Woodson and her child.
- An Act Providing for Auditors of the Public Account.
- An Act Granting Relief to Mrs. Rachel Perdue.
- Resolution Authorizing the Second Section, Second Article of the Constitution, to be laid before Supreme Court for its decision.
- A Resolution to Remunerate J.J. Roberts, Commissioner to France.
- Resolution Authorizing the Clearing out of the Narrows at the head of the Northern Branch of the Junk River.
- A Resolution to Acknowledge favors conferred upon the Government by Her Britannic Majesty's Government.
Acts passes during the Session, December, 1858.
- An Act to amend an Act Entitled an Act of Duties on Imports.
- An Act Entitled an Act to amend an Act to Regulate the Militis.
- An Act to maintain Peace and enforce Order on the Highways to the Interior.
- An Act Authorizing the Clearing out of the Gracho Falls, Grand Bassa County.
- A Resolution Authorizing the President to employ A Costa Guarda.
- An Act for the relief of William Harris, Senior, of the County of Grand Bassa.
- A Resolution to aid James Thomas of the Township of New Georgia.
- An Act to Regulate Taxes and Licenses.
- An Act Creating and [Defining?] The Duties of the [Superintendents?] of the revival Counties.
- Resolution approving of Executive action in the "Regina Coeli" Case.
- An Act prohibiting the Enlistment of Native African Emigrants.
- An Act amendatory to the fourth Article of the Act Regulating Navigation, Commerce and Revenue.
- An Act to Amend the Fifth Article of an Act entitled "An Act to establish the Judiciary and fixing the Powers common to the several Courts".
- Supplementary Act to the "Act providing for the establishment of an interior settlement".
- An Act restoring Thornton Belton to The rights and privileges of Citizenship.
- An Act amendatory to an act entitled " An Act concerning Elections".
- A Resolution providing for the transcribing of the Journals of the Senate and House of Representatives of the Republic of Liberia.
- A Resolution for the Relief of David Banaker.
- An Act Restoring J. Gearing to Citizenship.
- An Act to Provide for a State Prison.
- An Act to raise the Revenue and to Encourage Farmers.
- An Act establishing the Treasury Department and Defining the duties of the same.
- An Act amendatory to the Act entitled an Act incorporating Liberia College and the Supplement thereto.
- An Act Providing for a road from the St. Paul's River to the Settlement of Careysburg in the Country of Monserrado.
- An Act Divorcing John B. and Otillia Julien Jordan.
- An Act fixing the boundaries of the Town of Robertsport.
- An Act Providing for the pay of Government Interpreters
- A Resolution providing for the payment of the Militia of Sinoe County.
- Resolution relieving the Estate of Hon. R.E. Murray from claims against it by the Republic.
- A Resolution restoring Henry Roadman to the rights and privileges of Citizenship.
- An Act incorporating a College.