Acts Passed by the Legislature, Republic of Liberia During the Sessions: 1887-88
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Acts and Resolutions
- Acts Passed by the Legislature of the Republic of China During the session 1887-1888
- Joint Resolution making, appropriation for defraying the expenses of the Inauguration of the President and Vice President elect.
- An act supplementary and amendatory to an Act regulating the residence of Native Africans within this Republic.
- Joint Resolution for the relief of Charles R. Johnson formerly of the City of Monrovia, Montserrado County ; but at present a resident of Grand Bassa county
- An Act granting the Presbytarian Mission Two Hundred acres of land at Cape Mount, in Montserrado County.
- An Act for the better regulation of the Postal Service of this Republic.
- An Act Interdicting the Port of Entry and Delivery at Half-Cavalla, Maryland County, in the Republic of Liberia.
- An Act granting the Protestant Episcopal Mission in Liberia, Two Hundred acres of land in the County of Grand Bassa.
- A Resolution for the Protection of the Government against the fraud of Aliens.
- An Act restoring James M Curd and Peter Hilton to Citizenship.
- An Act restoring Thomas H. Johnson of Maryland Couty and Sarah E. Baruny, David Bryant and Samuel Jackson of Montserrado, Republic of Liberia, to the rights and privileges of citizenship.
- An Act repealing certain portion of an Act entitled An Act providing for and restricting the payment of Import and Export duties in each County of this Republic.
- An Act making a special appropriation to pay one C. H. Morgan the sum of One Hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents, for services rendered the Government as Deputy Collector for the Port of Cavalla, Maryland County.
- An Act to employ a scientific Mineralogist and Geologist, to make reserches for valuable mines in this Republic
- Resolution exempting La Compagnie Francaise de L' Afrique Occidentale, that is to say the French Compant of Western Africa line of Mail Steamers from tonnage dues in consideration of certain services to be rendered to the Republic of Liberia by said line of Mail Steamers