Acts Passed by the Legislature, Republic of Liberia During the Sessions: 1886-87
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Acts and Resolutions
- Acts Passed by the Legislature of the Republic of Liberia During the session 1886=1887
- Acts
Constitutional Amendment
- An Act Reimbursing the Superintendent of Robertsport.
- An Act providing for a bridge in the Settlement of Talah,Grand Cape Mount.
- Resolution for the immediate settlement of the diffiently between the Golahs and the Boatswain tribes, and opening of the road.
- An Amendment to the several Statutes Regulating the payment and the collection of duties upon imports and exports within this Republic.
- An Act appropriating the sum of One Hundred and Sixty Dollars, to open the Avenue for the people of Sassy Town, Louisiana Settlement.
- A Resolution fixing the day of adjournment of the Twentieth Legislature, second session.
- A Resolution authorizing the supression of the rebellions attitude assumed by the Greboes at Half Cavalla in Maryland County.
- An Act to incorporate Zion Grove Baptist Church of Brewersville, Montserrado County.
- An Act to alter and a [...?] the Several acts establishing the Judiciary and regulating the powers common to the Courts of quarter Sessions and Common Pleas of the Several Counties.