Acts Passed by the Legislature, Republic of Liberia During the Sessions: 1883-84
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Acts and Resolutions
- Acts Passed by the Legislature of the Republic of Liberia During During the session [1883?-1884]
- An Act Amendatory, to an Act regulating the duties of the Tax Collectors of the different counties
- An Amendatory Act to an Act to amend the several existing Acts regulating the Militia
- An Act to repeal certain portions of the Act entitled an Act to amend the several existing Acts regulating the Militia, passed by two third vote Jany. 26th. 1876.
- An Act amendatory to An Act regulating the Militia in Maryland County Republic of Liberia.
- An Act authoring the compilation and Printing of the Decisions and Rulings of the Supreme Court.
- An act to incorporate Sey's chapel Methodist Episcopal Church, Careysburg Montserrado County.
- An Act to incorporate the McClintock Grove Methodist Episcopal Church, Bensonville, County and Montserrado.
- An Act to incorporate the First Baptist Church Careysburg, Montserrado County
- An Act restoring John Henry Diggs, of Grand Bassa County to the rights and privileges of citizenship
- A Resolution appropriating an amount of Seventy five dollars for opening and cleaning out the Ayers Creek that leads to Barnersville in the rear of the Settlement of New Georia.
- An Act amendatory to an Act for the relief of Government approved January 9th. 1883, also amending an additional Act supplementing the several existing Acts regulating the payment of Custom duties &c., Approved January 11th, 1883.
- Joint Resolution amendatory to the Joint Resolutio regulating the title and privileges of the Native African Representatives in the National Legislature of this Republic approved Jany. 9th. 1881.
- An Act for the establishment of High Schools in each of the Leeward Couties.
- An Act Amendatory to an Act creating an Interior Department.
- Supplementary Act to the existing Acts incorporating the Aboriginal Tribes of the Republic.
- An Act to relieve the Citizens of the Settlement of Robertsport Grand Cape Mount, Montserrado County.
- A Resolution compensating Chief Justice C L., Parsons of Montserrado County.
- An Act authorizing the purchase of Steel Stamps and dates for the different Post Offices of this Republic.
- An Act authorizing the establishing of a Settlement, and a Port of Entry at San-Pedro the South Eastern boundary of the Republic of Liberia in Maryland County ; and an additional Port of Entry in the County of Montserrado and of Sinou.
- Amendatory Act to the Act entitled an Act regulating the liquor traffic approved Jany. 9th. 1883.
- An Act adopting Caroline Charlotte Emmery as adopted Daughter of J. T. Emmery of the County of Montserrado.