Acts Passed by the Legislature, Republic of Liberia During the Sessions: 1882-83
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Acts and Resolutions
- Acts passed by the Legislature of the Republic of Liberia During the sessioin 1882-8
- A Resolution assisting the citizens of Lexington of Sinoe county in building a bridge and causeway through a Swamp between Lexington and Farmersville.
- A Resolution Authorizing the repairs of the old Public Mansion in the city of Monrovia.
- Resolution Compensating Stephen A. Hoff Jailor of Robertsport.
- An Act of Indemnity for loss of registered articles.
- An Act supplementary to an act declaring certain days to be National Holidays.
- Resolution of the Senate and House of Representatives of the Republic of Liberia exempting the C. Woermann's line of Mail Steamers from tonnage dues in consideration of certain services to be rendered to the Republic by the said lineof Mail Steamers.
- An act to amend the laws granting retail license money to the several settlements.
- An Act amendatory and Supplementary to the several existing acts regulating the payment of custom house duties; and also amending the 4th. Section of an act for the relief of government approved January 12th, 1880, and repealing the law passed January 5th, 1879.
- Supplementary Act to an Act to increase the revenue.
- A Resolution providing for the erection of bridges in Clay-Ashland.
- An act regulating the Liquor Traffic.
- An act declaring it treason, for any citizen of Liberia, (Naturalized aborigines, or Americo Liberian) to be engaged in levying war against the Republic, or in adhereing to its enemies giving them aid and comfort.
- An Act chartering the Union Mining Company of Liberia.
- An Act to incorporate The Liberia Interior Association.
- A Resolution Authorizing the President to build a Gun house in the County of Maryland in the City of Harper. Also to complete the forification at Jacksonville and Mount Tubman.
- An act to incorporate the Ebenezer Baptist Church Maryland County of Harper.
- A Resolution accepting the proffer of Telegraphic Communication in the Republic of Liberia.
- A Resolution assisting the Citizens of Robertsport of Montserrado County in building a bridge and Causeway through the Swamp or Creek between Krootown and the Old Garrison, and one by R. J. B. Watson's residence also one between Jas. M. Strother and Charles Curtis place.
- An additional act supplementing the several existing acts regulating the payment of the Custom House duties, providing for the punishment of offending officers.
- An Act regulating the duties of the several Law officers of the Government.
- An Act to incorporate the Farmers Joint Stock Raising and Trading Association.
- An Act to incorporate the Union League Society of Arthington. Montserrado County.
- A Resolution fixing theday of adjournment of the Eighteenth Legislature 2nd Session
- A Resolution to amend an Act to encourage Agriculture throughout the Republic of Liberia, approved January 13th 1883.
- A Resolution making appropriation to assist the citizens of Brewerville and the old Field in the rear of Upper Caldwell to throw up the worst swamps, and to bridge the running streams through them.
- A Resolution amending a Resolution of the Legislature of Liberia approved January 18th, 1876,
- Joint Resolution in behalf of President Anthony William Gardner
- A Resolution Appropriating An Amount of Fire hundred dollars for opening and constructing a Road between Harlandsville and Lower Buchanan in Bassa County
- Resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to examine into the claim of Mrs A E Roye
- An Act for the relief of the settlements of Crozerville, Caroysburg Paynesville and Ammonsville in the Old Field Messurado River.
- A Resolution making appropriations for the opening of Findley Road in Grand Bassa County