Acts Passed by the Legislature, Republic of Liberia During the Sessions: 1878-79
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Acts and Resolutions
- Acts Passed by the Legislature of the Republic of Liberia during the session 1878-1879
- Resolution recommending an Ammendment to the Constitution of Liberia
- A Resolution tendering the Thanks of the Government and people of Liberia to Mr. Edward S. Morris for his devotedness and zeal in behalf of Liberia
- An Act establishing and fixing an export duty on Coffeo Scions and dried coffee.
- Resolution authorizing the Secretary of State to have reprinted five hundred copies of the compiled Statute Laws of the Republic of Liberia.
- An Act for the relief of several citizens of Philadelphia, Maryland County who have sustained the loss of their property and have been deprived of their town lots on account of the late Grebo War in the year 1875.
- An Act incorporating the first Presbyterian Church of Greenville in Sinoe County
- An Act chartering the City of Harper in Maryland County
- Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Republic of Liberia in Legislature assembled.
- An Act to create and incorporate a philanthropic order to be styled The Liberian Humane Order of African Redemption.
- An act amendatory an Supplementary to an Act regulating the payment of Duties passed and approved February 8th, 1878
- Resolution authorizing the President to locate immigrants
- Resolution providing for the Payment of the species of money commonly called and known as Debentures.
- Resolution to restore James Munroe Curt, John Hunter, George W. Hardy, and others to Citizenship
- An Act granting to Peter Herring an annual stipend, and establishing a school in the vicinity of his tribe and other tribes adjacent in the Bassa County In Grand Bassa County.
- An Act to repeal certain portions of the Act authorizing specific duties on certain articles imported into the Republic of Liberia, and the collection of the same, and regulating the payment of duties on imports." Approved February 8th, 1878
- An Act to amend An Act establishing the Judiciary and fixing the powers common to the serveral Courts.
- An act making appropriation for the fiscal year commencing Oct. 1st A. D. Eighteen Hundred and Seventy Eight and Ending September 30th. A D Eighteen hundred and seventy nine.
- General Civil List
- Errata